894 examples of salad in sentences

"I say, Bertie," she said, meditatively chewing fruit salad.

Try some of this salad.

I happened to be biting on a slice of apple in my fruit salad at the moment, and it sounded as if Carnera had jumped off the top of the Eiffel Tower on to a cucumber frame.

Of the amiability which she had exhibited when discussing this unhappy chump's activities with me over the fruit salad, no trace remained, and I was not surprised that speech more or less froze on the Fink-Nottle lips.

And feeling that there was no more that I could do in that quarter, I returned to the dining-room for further fruit salad and a quiet think.

I then, to assist thought, had another go at the fruit salad, and in addition ate a slice of sponge cake.

" "With a suspicion of salad?" "If you please." "And to drink?

"Fruit salad?" "No, thank you.

Lunch: Mutton; two dishes of vegetables, or macaroni rice; salad; rice pudding; coffee; fruit.

Here is the extra menu for January 5, 1917: Lunch: Italian dumplings; roast veal; salad and gherkins.

This makes a nourishing dressing for either vegetable salad or fruit salad.

This makes a nourishing dressing for either vegetable salad or fruit salad.

MONDAY.Cold nut roast and salad; bubble and squeak; plain pudding and golden syrup.

The unfired feeder enjoys Granose Biscuit with his salad, while the beginner who thinks longingly of his flesh food is consoled by Protose and Nuttolene.

And seeing it fluttering in the breeze you would have a continual reminder of your own salad days.

It seems not credible that respectable married people, with umbrellas, should find appetite for a bit of supper within quite a long distance of a fiery mountain; ordinary life begins to smell of high-handed debauch when it is carried on so close to a catastrophe; and even cheese and salad, it seems, could hardly be relished in such circumstances without something like a defiance of the Creator.

In the Spanish proverb, the fourth man necessary to compound a salad, is a madman to mix it:

I know not what is more remarkable; the insane lucidity of his conclusions, the humorous eloquence of his language, or his power of method, bringing the whole of life into the focus of the subject treated, mixing the conversational salad like a drunken god.

The cheese, the rye bread, and the salad were beyond cavil; and the coffeeof Monsieur Duchanel's bestmade all things complete.

We were amused by seeing a well-dressed and well-mannered Russian lady, at the table d'hôte, fill her plate half-full of oil, and just dip the salad into it.

" "Well, if you like to come at seven in the morning, and if you promise to sing nothing but solfeggi of Bordogni for an hour, and not to strain your voice, or put too much vinegar in your salad at supper, I will think about it.

I ate half a chicken croquette, and Susan placed the salad before Richard, and another plate.

He did not speak till he had put the salad on his plate; then he said, without looking at me, in a voice a good deal lower than was usual to him, "She is not to be mistress of that house.

Make use of the chicken, either for salad or stew.

The dancers deserted their polka, the musicians stopped fiddling, the noisy supper-party in the next arbor abandoned their cold chicken and salad, and everybody ran to the scene of action.

894 examples of  salad  in sentences