153 examples of salines in sentences

If a dog be fed on food freed from all salines, but otherwise containing proper nutrients, he soon suffers from weakness, after a time amounting to paralysis, and often dies in convulsions.

Test where salines and acids are tasted most acutely.

The cause of this is, that being near the sea, there are many lakes or salines of sea water, which dry up and coagulate into salt in summer, and five other provinces in Mangi are supplied from the coast of Quinsai.

The most part of all the salt they haue in Venice commeth from these Salines, and they have it so plentifull, that they are not able, neuer a yeere to gather the one halfe, for they onely gather in Iuly, August, and September, and not fully these three moneths.

we set saile toward Limisso, which is from Salines 50.

Near this city there are excellent salines, from which all the neighbouring provinces are supplied with salt.

Suitable febrifuges should be administered, either in the shape of a dose of physic, or salines and liq.

In many places are clumps of birches and junipers, which are the principal trees of the Pamir, and on the undulating plains grow tamarisks and sedges and mugwort, and a sort of reed very abundant by the sides of the saline pools, and a dwarf labiate called "terskenne" by the Kirghizes.

FirstTake of beef, or mutton, or lamb, or veal, or any other meat, two pounds and a half, or any other quantity; be sure to keep it in salt till the saline particles have locked up all the animal juices, and rendered the fibres hard of digestion; then boil it over a turf or peat fire, in a brass kettle, covered with a copper lid, until it is over much done.

Old People in Pulaski County "Out in Pulaski County, going west out the Nineteenth Street Pike till you strike the Saline County line, there are quite a few old colored people.

but she is over in Saline County.

But that is in Saline County, I think.

They crossed Little River at Ward's Ferry and crossed the Saline river.

"I was born down here on Saline River at Selma.

2. Place and date of birthOn Saline River, Selma, Arkansas.

In the case of those poisons whose effect is not instantaneous, the injection of saline solution was made on the first appearance of toxic symptoms.

The result of the use of salines was a diuresis varying in the promptness of its appearance and in its amount.

in quantity of the body weight of the animal was used in the saline injection.

The only liquids given me were hot saline solutions.

They thought Lot's wife must have been turned to salt in the neighborhood, everything was so impregnated with saline substances, and the same result might come to them.

None, at all!" As dark settled down over the Sahara, the leprous patches of white, saline earth took on a ghostly pallor.

Onward they crawled, now over sand, now over cracked mud-flakes of saline deposit where water had dried at the bottom of a ghadir.

To the south is Cape Araya on the continent, near which there are extensive salines or salt ponds.

The natives set great store on these salines, and they not only use the salt in the same way that we do, but they mould it into brick-shaped forms and trade it to foreigners for articles which they do not themselves possess.

This island is indeed celebrated for its salines and the natives procure whatever they need by the sale of salt.

153 examples of  salines  in sentences