838 examples of salons in sentences

He had a large room for a ballroom, because in the ballroom science and politics were discussed; for where a press is not free, salons must give the tone to public opinion.

And after their equality was recognized in the feudal castles of the Middle Ages, the salons of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries established their claims as the inspiring geniuses of what we call society.

But still Versailles glittered with unparalleled wonders: the fountains played; grand equipages crowded the park; the courtiers blazed in jewels and velvets and satins; the salons were filled with all who were illustrious in France; princes, nobles, ambassadors, generals, statesmen, and ministers rivalled one another in the gorgeousness of their dresses; women of rank and beauty displayed their graces in the Salon de Venus.

No Englishwoman ever had such an exalted social position; she reigned in salons as well as in the closet of the Queen.

It was in Italy that women first drew to their salons the distinguished men of their age, and exercised over them a commanding influence.

This sort of society gained celebrity first in Paris, when women of rank invited to their salons literary men as well as nobles.

They reserved their remarkable talents for social reunions, perhaps in modest salons, where among distinguished men and women they could pour out the treasures of the soul and mind; where they could inspire and draw out the sentiments of those who were gifted and distinguished.

All these carried out in their salons the rules and customs which had been established by Madame de Rambouillet, It was in her salon that the French Academy originated, and its first members were regular visitants at her hotel.

Of course, such a woman excited equal admiration in the salons, and was soon invited to the fêtes and parties of the Directory, through Barras, one of her admirers.

He occupied distinct spheres,was poet, historian, statesman, orator, and the oracle of fashionable salons, although he loved seclusion, and detested crowds.

We read so much of those interesting reunions in the salons of distinguished people in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries that we naturally seek to know what constituted their peculiar charm.

The remarkable women who reigned in the salons of the last century were all distinguished for their good-nature,good-nature based on toleration and kind feeling, rather than on insipid acquiescence.

A more brilliant circle than ever assembled at the Hôtel de Rambouillet met in the salons of Madame Geoffrin and Madame de Tencin and Madame du Deffand and Madame Necker, to discuss theories of government, political economy, human rights,in fact, every question which moves the human mind.

Hitherto, Madame de Staël had reigned in salons, rather than on the throne of letters.

sought the glory of her talk; the press implored her assistance; the salons caught inspiration from her presence.

I ought to add that, in addition to the various salons in the Uffizi, the long corridors are hung with pictures too, in chronological order, the earliest of all being to the right of the entrance door, and in the corridors there is also some admirable statuary.

There are five elegantly decorated salons, in which there are tables of costly onyx, and on whose walls there are paintings of great splendor.

He has glances of starry recognition to which our salons are strangers.

" Her glance went round the empty white salons with their mirrors in sculptured frames.

The merchants said his Grace ought not to have lingered in the salons of amusement one instant after he had been apprised that Napoleon had quitted Paris, whose gigantic strides all Europe had experienced during many long years.

The Belgians have thrown open their houses, and officers and soldiers are promiscuously placed in their decorated salons, and served with equal assiduity.

The purpose of this clever scheme was that the "pigeons" who visited the luxurious salons of the baroness, and whose money paid the expenses of these salons, should not have the smallest grounds for suspicion that the dear baroness's apartment was nothing but a den of sharpers.

The purpose of this clever scheme was that the "pigeons" who visited the luxurious salons of the baroness, and whose money paid the expenses of these salons, should not have the smallest grounds for suspicion that the dear baroness's apartment was nothing but a den of sharpers.

Well, the day will come when they will only be too happy to listen to you, proud of your presence in their salons, envying your fame as a great artist.

Some of his pupils were destined for a professional career; but many, men and women of rank and fortune, sought to learn from him the means of rendering their brilliant salons yet more attractive.

838 examples of  salons  in sentences