61 examples of sanctimonious in sentences

Next, he who serves up for us our religion every once a week in the form of sanctimonious speeches on the subject of political economy, will let his congregation go behind Plymouth Pulpit for the purpose of getting their queues for the next Sunday love-feast by observing his.

"Quite so," said Lord Bannerdale, who had taken a great dislike for the sanctimonious speaker, and who could scarcely repress a shudder as he shook Mr. John Heron's cold and clammy hand.

Here Mr. Heron ranted and growled to his heart's content; and Ida learnt from his sanctimonious lips that only a small portion of mankind, his own sect, to wit, was bound for heaven, and that the rest of the world was doomed to another place, the horrors of which he appeared to revel in.

She shuddered as she pictured herself meeting them at the breakfast-table, facing Mrs. Heron's spiteful face, Isabel's tear-swollen eyes, and her cousin John's sanctimonious sermon.

"I enjoy fairly good health, Mr. Wordley, thank you," he said, in his sanctimonious way; "but I have my share of trials and anxieties in this miserable world.

"Let me tell you, sir, your age does not excuse your conduct, which has been that of a heartless and sanctimonious fool.

"I will tell you nothingexcepting that I hope and trust I may never see your sanctimonious face again.

I ought to have known better than to have trusted you to that sanctimonious idiot.

Do you not see that this is a preposterous lie, and that he is telling it to you to tease and to mortify me?" At this Captain Obadiah favored his brother with a look of exaggerated and sanctimonious humility.

Sanctimonious thing!

The principal entrance is through a massive and somewhat dimly-lighted porch, which, in its time, has necessarily, like all church porches, been the scene of much pious gossip, superstition, and sanctimonious scandal.

He taught in the Sunday Schools at Nickelville, the big village which had sprung up at his will and which was the headquarters of his sanctimonious wickedness.

They 'pear mighty sanctimonious on th' outside, but on th' inside they're the real goods, all right.

His face has kept its sanctimonious expression, but the fire gleams forth beneath his drooping eye-lid.

Look at the sacristans, the beadles, the lackeys of the Bishop's palace, the hirers of chairs, the choir-men, the sellers of tapers, the tradesmen by appointment to the religious houses, the beggar who stretches out his hand to you at the door, and the man who hands you the holy-water sprinkler, have they not all the same hypocritical face, the same cunning, devoutly sanctimonious look?

and laughed and nudged each other, while the elder ones, their nose in their book, with sanctimonious face and ecstatic look were wrapt in God.

How he must laugh, and how he must inwardly despise these women, who can find no better employment for the day than to mutter Paternosters, devoid of meaning, before an image of wood or stone, or to remain in the vague sanctimonious contemplation of a mysterious unknown.

"I've heard that sanctimonious stuff before.

Though the spiritual side of his nature is so intense, his love of fun and appreciation of the humorous relieves him from being solemn or sanctimonious.

You seem sincere without being sanctimonious.

A lean, pale-eyed, sanctimonious-looking man came toward him.

In sheep's clothing, truly, smooth and sanctimonious, meek, and sleek.

He comes along with a very sanctimonious look, Sir, with his "secret errand unto thee," and his "message from God unto thee," and then pulls out his hidden knife with that unsuspected left hand of his,(the little gentleman lifted his clenched left hand with the blood-red jewel on the ring-finger,)and runs it, blade and haft, into a man's stomach!

Before his marriage, Mr. Weld lodged, on principle, in a colored family in New York, even submitting to the inconvenience of having no heat in his room in winter, and bearing with singular charity and patience what Sarah calls the sanctimonious pride and Pharisaical aristocracy of his hosts.

What a sanctimonious old fraud he must have been, if he looked anything like his pictures!

61 examples of  sanctimonious  in sentences