Do we say saner or seiner

saner 61 occurrences

" Slowly we travelled north along the crests, for though my mind was now saner, I had no strength in my body.

This last remark of our geographer, proves how jealous the priestly physicians were of their medical monopoly, and how fearful lest the saner part of mankind should detect and expose the pretended virtues of their medical sanctuary.

It is some relief to find that Mrs. Pankhurst's latest program disavows attacks on human life, limiting itself to destruction of property, and that the Pethick Lawrences have grown still saner.

He usually returned a saner and healthier man than he went away.

Next morning, however, saner counsels prevailed.

After years of such struggle, chased about between heaven and hell, Bunyan at last emerges into a saner atmosphere, even as Pilgrim came out of the horrible Valley of the Shadow.

Perhaps one effect of the war will be to give us a saner standard of values in these thingswill teach us to look behind the money and title to the motives that get the money and the title.

Clearer thought and saner feelings are beginning to make it evident that in the march of true civilization no one class can remain hopelessly behind.

He took his daily shower bath, and he felt himself stronger and saner.

A number of men clamoured for immediate lynching, but saner council prevailed for the time and he was dragged through the streets towards the city jail.

As years pass, however, he grows out of this stage, and, while regarding his art in a spirit of dedication equally serious, and how much saner, he comes to realise that, after all, art but forms one integral part, however great, of a healthy life, and that for the greatest artist there are still duties in life more imperative than any art can lay upon him.

Such a moment occurred after the first awful paroxysm of self-loathing and torture which I experienced when my past life was made known to me in its true colours, and it was in this saner and comparatively painless interval that I met one whom I had known on earth as a woman of the purest life and character.

Then of course, a moment later, the thought seemed madness, and he only felt that he was losing hold more quickly upon his saner sense.

She was much clearer and saner for the little interlude with Rush.

It seemed a fairer and a saner thing to let human beings be what their experiences had actually made them rather than what one thought those experiences would make them.

And for that problem he, in saner mood, began to feel that the right solution was to do something and so become in his own person a somebody, instead of being mere son of a somebody.

The village, that obscure congregated soul, long-suffering to calamity, welded together by saner instincts and profound in memory, the soul that inhabited the small huddled, humble houses, divided from the Vicarage by no more than the graveyard of its dead, the village remembered and it knew.

It is not easy to see that these two exploits, judged from a strictly rational standpoint, are any saner than the acts above suggested.

Even in his saner moods, as Waliszewski tells us, he "joined to the roughness of a Russian barin all the coarseness of a Dutch sailor."

She merely gave them a saner direction.

Was ever simpler or saner method discovered for warding off old age?

"Never was saner in my life.

My God, you must be crazy!" "Never was saner in all my life, Hobart.

I'm saner than you are.

We feel that a man cannot make himself simple merely by warring on complexity; we feel, indeed, in our saner moments that a man cannot make himself simple at all.

seiner 13 occurrences

Dein Glück, dein Ruhm ist ihm ein Leiden: Magst drum an seiner Quaal dich weiden.

The latter says: "Der von dem Plateau von Anahuac ausgewanderte Stamm verpflanzte seine Gesittung und die Hauptzüge seiner Religion durch das westliche Südamerica, etc."

Adolf Strodtmann said it first (1868), in the following words: "Es leidet wohl keinen Zweifel, dass Heine dies Loeben'sche Ballade gekannt und bei Abfassung seiner Lorelei-Ballade benutzt hat.

Among the works on Kant those of Kuno Fischer (vols. iii.-iv. of the Geschichte der neueren Philosophie, 3d ed., 1882; also Kant's Leben und die Grundlagen seiner Lehre, 1860) take the first place.

Giovanni Pierluigi Palestrina, und die gesammte Ausgabe seiner Werke.

By Gerhard Tersteegen, 1697-1769. Zum Ernst, zum Ernst ruft Jesu Geist inwendig; Zum Ernst ruft auch die Stimme seiner Braut; Getreu und ganz, und bis zum Tod beständig.

Johannes Brahms; thematisches Verzeichnis, seiner Werke, Ergänzung zu Johannes Brahms, Weg, Werk und Welt.

TILL EULENSPIEGEL; elf seiner Geschichten frei nacherzählt von Erich Kaestner.

Johannes Brahms; thematisches Verzeichnis, seiner Werke, Ergänzung zu Johannes Brahms, Weg, Werk und Welt.

TILL EULENSPIEGEL; elf seiner Geschichten frei nacherzählt von Erich Kaestner.

"Luther's Merkwürdige Lebensumstande bey seiner Medicinalischen Leibesconstitution, Krankheiten, geistlichen und leiblichen Anfectungen und andern Zufallen, &c., von F.G. Keil," Leipsig, 1764.

2. "Luther's Merkwürdige Reisegeschichte zu Erganzung seiner Lebensumstande, von Jo.

Heidenheimer rightly describes him: Als echter Kind seiner Zeit, war Peter Martyr Lehrer und Gelehrter, Soldat und Priester, Schriftsteller und Diplomat.

Do we say   saner   or  seiner