745 examples of sapped in sentences

And as she went, she sang aloud a melancholy strain; "And who would wish to die," she said, "though death be free from pain?" Her fancy in the silent air could whispering voices hear; "I'll make of thee a sacrifice, to Albenzaide dear;" This fancy took her breath away, lifeless she sank at length, And grasped the saddle-bow; for fear had sapped her spirit's strength.

He was fast sinking, and long periods of delirium sapped his strength.

But this superficial culture could not save the Roman Republic from the dry-rot that sapped her vitals from within.

Gloria thought dreamily that she would like always to be riding thus, leaving summer behind and below, questing the joyous, full-sapped springtime.

And before and after, and through all these times, the tide of prosperity has risen and fallen, has sapped and sagged and undermined with a noiseless energy which the outer world only half suspects.

He doubtless kindled a spirit of inquiry, while he sapped the foundation of Christianity and undermined faith.

These safely deposited, they took You Dirty Boy from its abominable pedestal of Mexican onyx (also Cousin Ann's gift) and staggered under its heavy weight, their natural strength being considerably sapped by suppressed laughter.

They undermined whole sides of bacon, Her cheese was sapped, her tarts were taken.

She was the friend of those economists and philosophers who sapped the foundations of the social system.

It has been sapped by incidents of foreign rule and the spread of mysticism.

His love for Maini was slowly sapped by her innuendoes, and he treated the poor girl with something worse than coldness.

There was no need of the goading spur of Perris to make it spring forth at full speed, running on nerve-power in place of the sapped strength of muscle.

And so the young girls, sixteen to twenty-five years old, were sapped of health and joy and womanhood, and, "as Mr. Joe wrote, the future is robbed of wives and mothers!"

Her strength had been too early sapped.

Her youth had slipped away, and her strength had been sapped by weary years as an ill-paid garment-worker, so that exposure to cold and wet found her power of resistance gone, and a few weeks later she was no more.

In this instance, the worm had sapped the bud ere the brighter tints were developed.

One of the worst of them was seen in the forest of Apremont, in the district of Woevre, where the enemy was strongly entrenched in some quarries quite close to the French trenches which sapped their way forward to those pits.

Two centuries of recruiting in the Balkans and West Asia had sapped their resources.

Russia, seeking an economic outlet, had sapped her way south to the Euxine shore, and was on the point of challenging the Osmanli right to that sea.

Repeated effort was rapidly exhausting Osmanli strength, sapped as it was by increasing internal disease: and when a crisis arrived with the accession of the Empress Catherine, it proved too weak to meet it.

His lips had not been polluted, nor his brain befogged, by the fumes of the noxious weed that has sapped the life of whole generations, sending even ministers of the Gospel to untimely graves, over which the tombstone declared, 'Sacrificed by overwork in the Lord's vineyard,' when if the marble had not lied, it would have said, 'Killed by villainous tobacco!'

It was a very comfortable theory for those nations which have grown rich and whose ideals and initiative have been sapped by over much prosperity.

She stung him, sapped his firm advance,

Growth in the volume of Roman life sapped its vitality so that there was less surplus for experiment and innovation as more and more of the social income was devoted to meeting overhead costs.

When wasting age and wearying strife Have sapped the leaning walls of life, When darkness gathers over all, And the last tottering pillars fall, Take the poor dust thy mercy warms And mould it into heavenly forms!

745 examples of  sapped  in sentences