198 examples of sardonic in sentences

With a sardonic smile she wondered how the ingenious man would get out of starting for Morocco; perhaps he would not succeed in obtaining a passport, or, that excuse failing, in eluding the vigilance of the British authorities.

He had the same droll sardonic way about everything.

The hand holding it was firm, the face fronting me savagely sardonic.

His vision spent itself fruitlessly against the blackness, which the closed window draperies rendered absolute but for those dull, sardonic eyes of dying embers.

One fancied something sardonic in that covert smile.

Far ahead the red sardonic eye in the rear of the limousine leered as if mocking their hopes of keeping it in sight.

It was his evil fortune to indulge in his old strain of sardonic impertinence.

You have seen the lady, Sir," he said, eyeing me searchingly as he spoke, with a sardonic smile,the only ugly expression I ever saw him wear.

he observed, sardonic.

You will be kind enough, my sardonic friend, to repress your sneers.

On these Miss Blake's eyes rested every now and then with a sardonic gleam.

She greeted him with a sardonic smile.

The sardonic smile hardened on the lips of Nash as he answered: "Before you've been here much longer, Pete, you'll find out that about everything I do is square.

Who's he?" Logan considered the other with a sardonic smile.

The drawn and haggard expression, to which we have previously referred, becomes more marked, and the angles of the lips are drawn back in what has been described by some writers as a 'sardonic' grin.

"I can see the signs of decay in your face, and your hair will all fall out in a week or two at the latest,mark my words!" McBane had listened to this pleasantry with a sardonic sneer.

One of the worst of thesehe is also one of the most typicalwas John Marston, a purveyor of tragic gloom and sardonic satire, and an impostor in both, whose tragedy Antonio and Mellida was published in the same year as Shakespeare's Hamlet.

There is no doubt but there was some radical disorder in his system; brain disease clouded his intellect in his old age, and his last years were death in life; right through his life he was a savagely irritable, sardonic, dark and violent man, impatient of the slightest contradiction or thwarting, and given to explosive and instantaneous rage.

His aphorisms, both those collected under the heading of Thoughts on Various Subjects, and countless others scattered up and down his pages, are a treasury of sound, if a little sardonic, practical wisdom.

The accompanying sardonic grin said plain as print, "But this dainty dandy is done with work.

"Let me die by a shot that men will talk about...." "Run, yelping dog," growled the Arab with a sardonic smile.

When I walk by they laugh a sardonic "tiac, tiac," because I wear a bell at my neck.

Minver rose and stretched himself with what I must describe as a sardonic yawn; Halson had stolen away before the end, as one to whom the end was known.

Thirdly, the Buzzer is a humourist, of the sardonic variety.

His false smile gave place to a sardonic grin, as he watched Nobilimarked his well-set, muscular figure, his easy movements, the graceful curve of his head and neck, his delicate, regular features, his sunny complexion.

198 examples of  sardonic  in sentences