72 examples of sawe in sentences

"She was so and so pitous She wolde wepe if that she sawe a mous Caught in a trappe."

" In Ascham's "Toxophilus," 1571: "And when I sawe not you amonges them, but at the last espyed you lookinge on your booke here so sadlye, I thought to come and hold you with some communication.

An houre agoe, or twaine, I sawe them feeding all aboue the plaine.

And all the beasts him feared as they ought, And followed unto his palaice hye; Where taking congé, each one by and by Departed to his home in dreadfull awe, Full of the feared sight which late they sawe.

I never sawe The Advocate so mov'd.

dye The widowe doth receave whatere's found due, Yf not by will disposed otherwise; Which often happeneth to be such a sume As they togeather never sawe the like.

if it had not bin too little for you, it was the best peece of worke, that ever I sawe.

I never sawe a Jemme so precious, So wonderful in substance and in Art.

My Lord, I had a vision this last night Wherein me thought I sawe the prince your sonne Sit in my fathers garden with Hyanthe Under the shadow of the Laurell tree.

When in his flyght from horror he sawe more Then Troy affoarded; for the newese I brynge Is vyctorie, which crownes the crownes of kynges.

When first I sawe thee (Though but with a meare cursorye aspecte)

Sawe you not passe this

I knowe the busines, syr, if in that place These are the too distressed wrecks at sea We sawe this morninge floatinge, sweeter guerles I never yet sett ey on, and opprest By too ill lookeinge raskells that to warme them Wisht all the towne a bonefire Ashb.

I'I backe the waye wee came; what's doon, none sawe I'th howse nor herde; they answer then the Lawyer.

I sawe Fryar Jhon, arm'd dreadfully with weapons Not to be worne in peace, pursue his lyfe; All which I'l tell the abbott.

We arm'd the Fryar, accoutred as you sawe, Mounted him on a stallion, lock't him fast Into the saddle, turn'd him forthe the gates To trye a second fortune.

Save ye, gallants, sawe ye not a fellowe come halting this way of late? Scil.

[Illustration] [Illustration] PART TWO THE BOOK OF SPENDING TO LOUIS UNTERMEYER Often tymes herde Manuel tell of the fayrness of this Queene of Furies and Gobblins and Hydraes, insomuch that he was enamoured of hyr, though he neuer sawe hyr: then by this Connynge made he a Hole in the fyer, and went ouer to hyr, and when he had spoke with hyr, he shewed hyr his mynde.

no further then they were long: but when they sawe eight or nine of their fellowes dead, they fled into the woodes, and wee entering vpon the lande set fire on their houses, whereof we burnt about twentie or thirtie.

There wee sawe many Storkes flying and sitting in the fielde: with vs we cannot imagine where the Storkes remaine in winter time, but here wee sawe them in the winter time.

There wee sawe many Storkes flying and sitting in the fielde: with vs we cannot imagine where the Storkes remaine in winter time, but here wee sawe them in the winter time.

The 10. of August the man of warre borded vs with his boat, and brought vs a barrell of beere, some bread and cheese, shewing vs what news he could touching the state of Holland, and presently wee sawe the land of Holland, and because it blew very stiffe and a great storme, after noone wee ankered about Petten to stay for better weather, and some new Pilots, and that was the first time we had cast anker for the space of 5.

Heere we sawe the hunting of the Whale, (a strange pastime) certaine Indians in a Canoa, or boate following a great Whale, and with a harping Iron, which they cast forth, piercing the whals body, which yron was fastned to a long rope made of the barkes of trees, and so tied fast to their Canoa.

This man Abdoll wee found to bee a captiue or slaue, and sawe there his wife and children in very poore estate dwelling in a little cottage not so bigge as an hogsty: but by oure meanes he was made free and well rewarded.

At Sudely Castle her Majesty was received by an old shepherd with a long speech; whereafter we read: 'Sunday, Apollo running after Daphne,' a show accompanied by a speech from another shepherd, at the end whereof, the metamorphosis safely accomplished, 'her Majesty sawe Apollo with the tree, having on one side one that sung, on the other one that plaide.'

72 examples of  sawe  in sentences