44 examples of saye in sentences

I hardyly saye, Ne proued I neuer her precios pere; So rounde, so reken in vche araye, So smal, so smothe her sydes were!

And if I dye, who will saye, This was Immerito?

But if happly you dwell altogither in Iustinians Courte, and giue your selfe to be devoured of secreate studies, as of all likelyhood you doe, yet at least imparte some your olde or newe, Latine or Englishe, eloquent and gallant poesies to vs, from whose eves, you saye, you keepe in a manner nothing hidden.

Sure verye straunge to be hearde of in these countries, and yet I heare some saye (I knowe not howe truely) that they haue knowne the like before in their dayes.

I dare saye you wyll holde your selfe reasonably wel satisfied, if youre Dreames be but as well esteemed of in Englande as Petrarches Visions be in Italy; whiche, I assure you, is the very worst I wish you.

If so be the Faerye Queeue be fairer in your eie than the nine Muses, and Hobgoblin runne away with the garland from Apollo, marke what I saye:

What shall I saye or howe shall I excuse

Hands off, I saye.

I did indeed, Saye, knowe you this?

Suppose it, saye I did.

Then thus I saye, oathes ta'ne advisedly Ought to bee kept; and this I'l see performed, What's forfett to my man is due to mee; I claime it as my right; these your bawdes fallacyes

What hast thou else to saye ere thou art made To all men heare a wofull spectacle? Fr.

More to saye I have not: Heaven of my sowle take chardge, and of my body Dispose thou, honest hangeman.

In the old ballad of "The Fray of Hautwessel," we are told that "The limmer thieves o' Liddesdale Wadna leave a kye in the haill countrie, But an we gi'e them the cauld steel, Our gear they'll reive it a' awaye, Sae pert they stealis, I you saye.

By Merritt B. Pound & Albert B. Saye.

Albert B. Saye (A); 11Feb74; R570493. R570494.

By Albert Berry Saye.

Albert Berry Saye (A); 18Mar76; R627017.

By Merritt B. Pound & Albert B. Saye.

Albert B. Saye (A); 11Feb74; R570493. R570494.

By Albert Berry Saye.

Albert Berry Saye (A); 18Mar76; R627017.

hym so yt he maye be a presydent for them that shall have the offyce; for they wyll but jess att itt, and saye it is butt a mony matter: therefore lett them paye well for the penaltie whiche was sett on theire heads.

"Touchinge the same Wm Garrett," the registrar inscribes in the act-book, "the churchwardens do here testifie that he hathe payd his iiij s. w[hi]ch he was rated at...& they saye they have receyved it.

Another was "repulsed from the Communion because he coulde not saye the 10 commaundements, in whome we can perceyve no towardnes to learne them").

44 examples of  saye  in sentences