14 examples of scantling in sentences

It is believed that they are only in the scantling or upper wood-work.

Prototype N. prototype, original, model, pattern, precedent, standard, ideal, reference, scantling, type; archetype, antitype^; protoplast, module, exemplar, example, ensample^, paradigm; lay-figure.

Size N. size, magnitude, dimension, bulk, volume; largeness &c adj.; greatness &c (of quantity) 31; expanse &c (space) 180; amplitude, mass; proportions. capacity, tonnage, tunnage; cordage; caliber, scantling. turgidity &c (expansion) 194; corpulence, obesity; plumpness &c adj.; embonpoint, corporation, flesh and blood, lustihood.

So much for his warlike or ammunition face, which is so preter-natural that it is rather a vizard than a face; Mars in him hath but a blinking aspect, his face of arms is like his coat, partie per pale, soldier and gentleman much of a scantling.

I may here mention that Glamorgan, when he was marquess of Worcester, published "A Century of the "Names and Scantlings of such Inventions," &c., which Hume pronounces "a ridiculous compound of lies, chimeras, and impossibilities, enough to show what might be expected from such a man."

Oh Mistris, your scantling, most sweete mistriss, most derydent starre.

Somebody developed an inspirational thought: "Ride him on a rail!" Near by, a house front under repair supplied a scantling.

Owing to some enthusiastically concerted but ill-directed engineering, the scantling with its human burden had jammed crosswise of the posts.

Loosing his hold on the scantling, he retreated upon the feet of those behind.

Q.What are the scantlings of the paddle floats?

What we have at present is a mere scantling of the great work in procinctu[Greek: pidakos ex ieraes oligaelizas]sixteen hundred "restorations," and no more!

It contains, like her account of the funeral of the poet, much positive falsehood, and gross improbability, with some slight scantling of foundation in fact.

On a piece of scantling which lay in the lot where the contest took place, I scratched the score.

Then he picked up a loose scantling and with it pried and wrenched off the top bar of the fence in one section and vaulted into the enclosure.

14 examples of  scantling  in sentences