11 examples of scath in sentences

Who?Friar Tuck? SCATH.

Fair Marian, God requite it her, Doth even as much for Doncaster, Whom newly she hath lain in bed, To rest his weary, wounded head. SCATH.

What's he? SCATH.

Fellows, and fight our bower so near? SCATH.

Scathlock, where's Much? SCATH.

Nay, I cannot tell, nor the Friar neither. SCATH.

the Friar! SCATH.

But my proud one doth worke the greater scath*, Through sweet allurement of her lovely hew, That she the better may in bloody bath Of such poore thralls her cruell hands embrew.

[* Scath, injury.] XXXII.

It has been the entering point for all hostilities from Canada; and, to symbolize its position, it has been the anvil on which all the grand weapons of our Indian scath have been hammered.

Displeased, it will seem a bright vial of wrath, Uncorked by its heat, the offender to scath; And, taking occasion to let off its ire, 'Tis startling to witness how high it will fire.

11 examples of  scath  in sentences