304 examples of sceptical in sentences

He recovered with a spring; and in a moment, from the awe-stricken spectator he had been, became himself, sceptical and cynical.

" "I might even so," said the sceptical Swing.

He had no sceptical or rationalistic tendencies, and therefore his Commentaries may not be admired by men of "advanced thought," but his annotations will live when those of Ewald shall be forgotten; they still hold their place in the libraries of biblical critics.

The metaphysics of the Schoolmen, whether they were sceptical or reverential, simply sharpened the intellectual faculties without advancing knowledge.

Abélard belonged by nature to the sceptical school.

She did not even have a single sceptical doubt; she simply affirmed that she obeyed voices that came from God.

Never was there a period or a country in Christendom more frivolous, pleasure-seeking, sceptical, irreligious, vain, conceited, and superficial than during the reign of Madame de Pompadour.

He was cold, selfish, dissembling, hard-hearted, ungrateful, ambitious, unscrupulous, without faith in either God or man; so sceptical in religion that he was almost an atheist.

He was quite clear as to his dates, and put them on paper; but as he was perfectly ignorant of any French, "not even the names of the commonest articles," though he had been such a long time amongst French people, Cook was again inclined to be sceptical.

"Hume, and other sceptical innovators," he said, "are vain men, and will gratify themselves at any expense.

" "I see that you have read Sainte Beuve, Major Noltitz; perhaps this sceptical academician was right in a general way.

Colonel A. is somewhat sceptical, which will account for his hypothetical manner of speaking about heaven.

In an open drawer in my bureau there lies before me now a crumpled card on which are the notes I made of a former discussion of this very issue, a discussion between a number of prominent politicians in the days before Mr. Chamberlain's return from South Africa and the adoption of Tariff Reform by the Unionist Party; and I decipher again the same considerations, unanswered and unanswerable, that leave me sceptical to-day.

It is at once less brutal and less spiritual; it is alert, informed, sceptical, and the Press, with photographic illustrations, the cinema, and a score of collateral forces, are giving it precisely that spectacular view of luxury, amusement, aimlessness and excitement, taunting it with just that suggestion that it is for that, and that alone, that the worker's back aches and his muscles strain.

Since I wrote the paragraph above, I have chanced to read Mr. Buskin's eloquent tirade against the modern sceptical school of critics in his "Mornings in Florence," The Vaulted Book, pp. 105, 106.

You permit me to go to church if I like; but you have poisoned me with scepticism to such a degree that I have grown sceptical even with regard to you,sceptical in regard to my own scepticism; and I do not know, I do not know.

You permit me to go to church if I like; but you have poisoned me with scepticism to such a degree that I have grown sceptical even with regard to you,sceptical in regard to my own scepticism; and I do not know, I do not know.

I found afterwards that my would-be sceptical companion had his troubles too.

The nation is but slowly recovering from the licentiousness which characterised the merry reign of Charles II., that witty, sceptical sovereign, who never believed in the honesty of man nor the virtue of frail woman.

However, if you are sceptical you may have conviction by starting to crawl over the top of the British parapet.

When they seemed to think that I was sceptical, he produced some eggs in evidence.

One grew sceptical of there being any Germans in the trenches opposite.

She, we are given to understand, is the type of the 'careless' shepherdess, the unspotted nymph of Diana, rejoicing in the chase alone, and importuned by the love of Aminta, which she neither reciprocates nor understands, and of the genuineness of which she shows herself, indeed, not a little sceptical.

Each stimulated the other, and they fell into those legends of dog-life in which every dog-lover believes, however sceptical he may be in other directions.

We have, accordingly, procured a drawing of this extraordinary invention, which we shall proceed to describe generally, since the letters, introduced in the annexed Engraving, with the accompanying references, will enable our readers to enter into the details of the machinery:First, as to its safety, upon which point the public are most sceptical.

304 examples of  sceptical  in sentences