118 examples of schoolgirl in sentences

And quit that little schoolgirl dodge; you make me sick.

She wore a blue cotton frock, and a brown mushroom hat, with a wreath of wild roses which had somewhat too obviously been sewn on in a hurry and crookedly; and she looked far more like a village schoolgirl than a young lady who was shortly to make her début in London society.

'Thanks,' said Smithson, inwardly resolving that, so soon as this little transaction of his marriage were over, he would see as little of Georgie Kirkbank and her cotton frocks and schoolgirl hats as bare civility would allow.

EPILOGUE Eight years later, at this writing: Emma speaks schoolgirl Spanish and has a half brother named Kenso.

Am I a free woman, or a schoolgirl, or a puppet doll, to which the world can tie strings to make me dance to its silly music?

This schoolgirl, probably jealous of the superiority of grown-up young ladies, may be very much in the way.

At Outledge this party was the large and merry schoolgirl company with Madam Routh.

Mrs. Thoresby was politic: she would not fall into the wake of this schoolgirl party at once.

The expression of her face was extremely childlike; she seemed more like a schoolgirl than a young woman of eighteen on the eve of marriage.

At the recollection she sent up rocket after rocket of schoolgirl laughter.

"I suppose you know the winner of every race," he remarked, quizzically watching Joe Archer, who was blushing and as uneasy as a schoolgirl when nabbed in the enjoyment of an illicit love-letter.

Her age was not precisely known, but when a schoolgirl in Paris she had seen Robespierre executed, and distinctly recollected the appearance of his bandaged face.

"Well," said Leonora, simply, with a smile, "he was my first lovea calf-and-puppy love, a schoolgirl's infatuation which nobody ever knew about"; for though the Doctor's daughter spent hours with her green golden eyes fixed upon the poet, the latter never suspected his good fortune; doubtless because the beauty of his patroness, the superannuated diva, had so obsessed him that the attractions of other women left him quite unmoved.

And I fled from you with the cunning of a mischievous schoolgirl, coming out from the hotel when you had gone off for a few moments, at other times doubling a corner at the very instant that you turned your eyes away....

Schoolgirl Kitty; Illustrated by W. E. Wightman.

Ella, a little schoolgirl of the sixties; with illus.

BARNES, CARMAN. Schoolgirl.

Ella, a little schoolgirl of the sixties; with illus.

In feminine plumpness, when young, there is usually something left of the schoolgirl giggler.

"I certainly am becoming ve'y tired of leaving the field to my sister-in-law, and my schoolgirl daughters.

Upright against the doorway, she suddenly recollected with a blush that she was staring like a schoolgirl, and sat down.

His mother sat close to his shoulder, rallying him like a tormenting schoolgirl, and, at intervals, turning to look back at her husband who stood on the steps beside her, a little amused, a little proud, a little inclined to be critical of this tall son of his who yesterday had been a boy.

His wife rose to greet him as though he had been away on a long journey, and then, passing her arms around her schoolgirl daughters, and nodding a mischievous dismissal to Jimmy Lent, walked slowly into the house.

In another moment she would be apparently as merry as a schoolgirl.

Like almost every schoolgirl, I had my day of thinking a surreptitious, cigarette was wonderfully cunning.

118 examples of  schoolgirl  in sentences