341 examples of schoolhouse in sentences

Horror succeeded horror, and the climax came one day when we were passing a little schoolhouse some miles below the fort, in the midst of a district well populated.

The sun was shining so brightly through the foremost windows of the old schoolhouse in Upper Wood, that the children of the first and second classes appeared as if covered with gold.

In a short time the door was opened, and the boys and girls hastened out toward the open place before the schoolhouse, where suddenly all were crowded together like a huge ball, from the midst of which came a tremendous noise and confused shoutings.

Behind the schoolhouse, near the hawthorn hedge, stood the last of the crowd in animated conversation.

They had a new schoolhouse and a church of their own, but the church had no tower, only a little red dome.

Therefore the people of Upper Wood were a little proud, because their church was much prettier and also because they learned much more in the old schoolhouse in Upper Wood than in the new one of Lower Wood; but that was the children's fault, not the teacher's.

Then the three in perfect harmony entered the schoolhouse.

While a motherly housewife prepared us some lunch, all a-bustle with expectancy of an imminent inroad of harvesters due to thresh the corn, and liable to eat all before them, a sprightly young daughter, who attended the same school, and whom we had told about our call at the schoolhouse, entertained us with girlish gossip of the neighbourhood.

Big workshops and factories lay below the mountain walls; and scattered over the valley-bottom were the workingmens' homes, encircled by little gardens; and in the centre of the valley lay the schoolhouse.

"And so here's Rugby, sir, at last, and you'll be in plenty of time for dinner at the schoolhouse, as I tell'd you," says the old guard.

Tom and East and another Schoolhouse boy rushed into the matron's room in high spirits when they got back on the first day of the next half-year.

Before either Tom or Arthur left the Schoolhouse there was no room in which it had not become the regular custom.

Tom said good-bye to his tutor, and marched down to the Schoolhouse.

Where it had been a crime to teach people to read or write, a schoolhouse dotted every hillside, and the State provided education for rich and poor, for white and black alike.

As these sat down the white children near them deserted the benches: and in a day or two the white children were wholly withdrawn, leaving the schoolhouse to the teacher and his colored pupils.

The matter was at last 'compromised': a notice 'Select School' was put on the schoolhouse: the white children were selected in and the black were selected out."

Driven to the extremity of building a schoolhouse for her purpose, she purchased a lot with money raised largely by Quakers of New York, Philadelphia, and New England, and by Harriet Beecher Stowe.

On the marriage of his eldest brother in the summer of 1845 the widowed mother came to keep house for him, and henceforth the Oldcambus schoolhouse became the family headquarters.

" [FORMULE.Not proper, because the compound word schoolhouse is here divided to avoid a repetition of the last half.

Therefore, "school" should be "schoolhouse;" thus, "This building serves yet for a schoolhouse and a meeting-house.

Therefore, "school" should be "schoolhouse;" thus, "This building serves yet for a schoolhouse and a meeting-house.

HARLOW, ALVIN F. Schoolhouse in the foothills.

Schoolhouse in the foothills.

Schoolhouse in the woods.

Even the poorer people, who were still engaged in the hardest and roughest struggle for a livelihood, showed appreciation of the need of schooling for their children; and wherever the clearings of the settlers were within reasonable distance of one another a log schoolhouse was sure to spring up.

341 examples of  schoolhouse  in sentences