400 examples of scissors in sentences

And Rose, who had been forbidden to touch the scissors, presided over the paste, with which she smeared herself even to her hair.

As I left the house the following morning, Miss Lansdale, her skirts pinned up, was among her roses with a watering pot and a busy pair of scissors.

I cried aloud, shaking my head all the while until I felt the cold blades of the scissors against my neck, and heard them gnaw off one of my thick braids.

They unrolled the shroud, and Gindrier cut off his shirt and his flannel vest with a pair of scissors.

Even under these restrictions the teacher should not use the knife or scissors before the class to open up any part of the specimen.

But when he was asleep this time, she thought she would make sure of being able to find him again, and she took out her scissors and cut off a piece of his hair, and made a little packet of it and put it away.

More than once the whole family had to submit to a personal search, and to empty their pockets, when the officers who made the search carried off whatever they chose to term suspicious, especially their knives and scissors, so that, when at work, the queen and princess were forced to bite off the threads with their teeth.

For it means that the demand blade of the scissors upon which we rely to cut off excrescences of price is blunted, and if accordingly the producers constitute a strong enough combination to control the supply blade, they will possess an unusual power of advancing their selling prices as they choose.

After that he raised his arm, and struck the wolf such a blow on his head that he fell down dead, and then they got knives and scissors and cut his body open, and drew the little fellow forth.

There was nothing left but again to make use of the scissors; so they were taken out, and the tangled portion was cut off.

His scream and gesture made his wife conclude that he had sat down on a pair of scissors, or the like: but very little harm had been done except the breaking of the glass, of which alone he had been thinking.

But if we look closely at the printed slip itself we perceive something still more remarkable; for that slip has been cut down to fit the label, and has been cut with a pair of scissors.

The edges are not quite straight, and in one place the 'overlap,' which is so characteristic of the cut made with scissors, can be seen quite plainly.

The slip of paper has been cut with scissors to fit the label, and it has then been pasted on to the surface that it has been made to fit, when all this waste of time and troublewhich, in practice, means moneycould have been saved by printing the name on the label itself.

She had hooks and eyes, and button-fasteners, when these gave out; she used from her own cotton-spools and skeins of silk; she had tailors' twist for buttonholes, and large black cord for the pipings; and these were but working implements, like scissors and thimble,taken for granted, without count.

Almost before her mother had done speaking, the little girl fixed her eyes upon a handsome work-box, standing upon the table with the lid open, and showing a lining of pale blue silk, edged with silver; while within were scissors and thimble, an abundance of needles and cotton, everything, in short, that Emma had long been wishing for in vain.

The other day we were shown a huge pair of rusty scissors whilst staying in Breconshire.

In addition to those required for operations on the softer structuressuch as scalpels, forceps, artery forceps, directors, scissors, etc.the surgery of the foot demands instruments specially adapted for dealing with the horn.

60), and a pair of blunt-pointed scissors curved on the flat.

With the curved scissors or the scalpel it is severed as high up as is possible.

1. With a pair of scissors cut out a square of paper.

But his wife took up the scissors and smiled back at him.

Shaggy dog with scissors.

I left them also nails, staples, hinges, hammers, chisels, knives, scissors, and all sorts of tools and iron work; & for the use of the smith, gave them three tons of unwrought iron, for a supply; and as to arms and ammunition, I stored them even to profusion; or at least to equip a sufficient little army against all opposers whatsoever.

At intervals from somewhere in the neighbourhood sounded the pleasant bell of the scissors grinder, and the not unmusical call of "Glass put in!"

400 examples of  scissors  in sentences