63 examples of scooted in sentences

" But as soon as we came into shallow water he jumped out of the boat and scooted around the edge of the pavilion, like a wild animal.

I guess I knew how Skinny felt when he scooted off, because after camp-fire I felt just that same way myself.

" "Unfortunately," Bridges remarked, as he sipped the cocktail which the cinema man had ordered, "this chap Romilly was broke, wasn't he?did a scoot to avoid the smash-up?

"Bedad," said the Galway boy, "they mean to scoot like redshanks.

At lastthe Fo'thI humped myself Through chores and breakfast soon, Then scooted down to Taggarts' store

We'll have to do a scoot.

Then, when I shouted, of course, he had to scoot.

Then he made me scoot over here with it as fast as I could.

If he wakes up blow out the light and scoot.

There was an ugly moment when a maxim situated in a cornfield began to fire point-blank at a range of one hundred yards, but a Czech outpost entrenched quite near made it so hot for the gunner that after firing about 150 rounds he scooted, leaving a well-placed gun and 5,000 rounds, all belted, behind.

Thor greeted him with an immediate growl of warning, and the badger scooted back up the trail in fear of his life.

He scooted back to the Moana.

The racket stopped as Diamond scooted down the slippery surface.

Forward he scooted in a cloud of dust.

I wish the poor fellow had stayed in the saddle; but his horse scooted off, and he stood right there where he fell, without a leaf to shelter him, and pumped the lead into those stockmen, who were mean enough to shoot the brave fellow in his tracks without giving him a chance for life.

The day before I 'scooted,' a new machine appeared before the house, drawn by six horses.

But when Allenby conquered Palestine between bouts of trying to tame his Australians, and Djemal Pasha scooted hot-foot into exile with a two-hundred-woman harem packed in lorries at his rear, Yussuf remembered that old adage about better late than never.

"She came out," said Patsy, "and quietly scooted off across the fields.

ye lived on a tremendous sidehill that reached clear to New York City, so ye could git on a sled an' scoot off like a streak o' lightnin'.

"Wal, if there was a railroad, they could scoot back ag'in," said the voice.

An' some morning ye'll wake up an' find yer moral character has scooted.

The cap'en he scooted round into one port an' another arter his own business,down to Caraccas, into Rio; and when we'd rounded the Horn and was nigh about dead of cold an' short rations, and hadn't killed but three whales, we put into Valparaiso to get vittled, and there I laid hold o' this little trinket of a chain, and spliced Hetty's ring on to't, lest I should be stranded somewheres and get rid of it onawares.

He scooted through the underbrush.

He scooted up that tree and slipped in under some hanging strips of bark.

It spun him round and round on his back like an overturned beetle, and then scooted him across the lake's surface flat as a floor.

63 examples of  scooted  in sentences