63 examples of scoots in sentences

Scoot!" "Po-o-o-lice!"

" "Unfortunately," Bridges remarked, as he sipped the cocktail which the cinema man had ordered, "this chap Romilly was broke, wasn't he?did a scoot to avoid the smash-up?

"Bedad," said the Galway boy, "they mean to scoot like redshanks.

We'll have to do a scoot.

You'll see me and Sinclair scoot along that there road, with the gang yellin' behind us!" Having made this farewell speech, he waved his hand and, with a smile of confidence, jogged away from her.

Then, when I shouted, of course, he had to scoot.

Then he made me scoot over here with it as fast as I could.

"Well," continued Tom, "after I'd been with 'em a couple of months or so, they kind er got a notion that I didn't care much about gittin' away, and didn't keep a very strict watch over me; so, one night, when I see Carline (that was my old rifle) lyin' by one of the lodges, I made up my mind to scoot.

If he wakes up blow out the light and scoot.

There was a railing around the tank, which was sunk in, lower than the deck, so she could not fall in, nor could I possibly get out, but as soon as my head began rearing above the water, scoot!

Only I promised to stick to the missus a while, I'd scoot tomorrer.

ned the Boy Scoot movement.

Accordingly in we went, where a parcel of Muddling Muckworms were as busy as so many Rats in an old Cheese Loft; some Going, some Coming, some Scribling, some Talking, some Drinking, some Smoaking, others Jangling: and the whole Room stinking of Tobacco, like a Dutch Scoot or a Boatswain's Cabbin.

Hump! Scoot!" Through the heavily falling rain he saw the lighted school buildings looming among the trees; turned into the drive, accounted for himself, gave his horse to a negro with orders to care for it, and followed a ward-master into an open-faced shed where a kettle was boiling over a sheet-iron stove.

ye lived on a tremendous sidehill that reached clear to New York City, so ye could git on a sled an' scoot off like a streak o' lightnin'.

S'pose ye could scoot yer crops right down t' Albany in a day.

"Wal, if there was a railroad, they could scoot back ag'in," said the voice.

Wal, you git your own supper, an' then Sam says, says he, 'I guess I'll scoot over t' Watertown and see my gal fer a few minutes.'

If ye do, by an' by there won't be nobody left here but them that's too old t' scoot er a few sickly young folks who don't care fer the sinful attractions o' this world.

Of course they dinna scoot up the sleeve every time.

'I wish to goodness I could.' 'Scoot hame an' tell yer mither,

never!' "I saw he was goin' to scoot, and I made a grab at him, but he give me a push that nearly tore my collar off, and away he went.

"If you'd a-seen him scoot, you'd a-knowed that he was dead skeered, and would never turn up here no more, bear or no bear.

Dog my skin, ef I ever get fairly limbered up afore it's 'Dad!' and 'Oh, Dad!'" To Lance's intense satisfaction the girl received this harangue with an air of supreme indifference, and when "Dad" had relapsed into an unintelligible, and, as it seemed to Lance, a half-frightened muttering, she said coolly, "Ye'd better drop that axe and scoot round getten' this stranger some breakfast and some grub to take with him.

Sech scoots scurryfunging around on the gay old galoot, to go snacks In the profits of other folks' notions, have put you, old pal, in a wax.

63 examples of  scoots  in sentences