97 examples of scorne in sentences

Ile sweare it was not brought into the Iaile, for there they scorne to shift once a weeke.

Who but beleeves That Doublets with stuft bellies and big sleeves And those Trunk-hose which now our life doth scorne Were all in fashion and with custome worne?

I ever knew thee valiant and to scorne All acts of basenesse: I have seene this man Write in the field such stories with his sword That our best chiefetaines swore there was in him As 'twere a new Philosophy of fighting, His deeds were so Puntillious.

This is your scorne to her, because I am doing This poorest honour to her.

Let us all servile base subiection scorne; And as we bee sonnes of the world so wide, 135 Let us our fathers heritage divide, And chalenge to our selves our portions dew Of all the patrimonie, which a few Now hold in hugger mugger in their hand,

This yron world" (that same he weeping sayes) "Brings downe the stowtest hearts to lowest state: 255 For miserie doth bravest mindes abate, And make them seeke for that they wont to scorne, Of fortune and of hope at once forlorne.

600 "Ay me!" said then the Foxe, "whom evill hap Unworthy in such wretchednes doth wrap, And makes the scorne of other beasts to bee.

And manly legs, still passing too and fro, Without a gowned beast him fast beside; A vaine ensample of the Persian pride, 750 Who after he had wonne th'Assyrian foe, Did ever after scorne on foote to goe.

With courtizans, and costly riotize, 805 Whereof still somewhat to his share did rize: Ne, them to pleasure, would he sometimes scorne A pandares coate (so basely was he borne); Thereto he could fine loving verses frame, And play the poet oft.

That chieflie doth each noble minde adorne, Then he would scoffe at learning, and eke scorne The sectaries thereof, as people base

Nemesis despight, Betwixt two mightie ones of great estate, Drawne into armes and proofe of mortall fight Through prowd ambition and hart-swelling hate, 5 Whilest neither could the others greater might And sdeignfull scorne endure; that from small iarre Their wraths at length broke into open warre.

I embrace thee, Pike; And hugg thee in my armes: scorne not to weare A Spanish livery.

What meate will downe your throat, when you scorne pheasant, partridge, woodcocke & coney?

There's a Spanish shirt, richly lacd & seemd, her guift too; & whosoever layes a foul hand upon her linnen in scorne of her bounty, were as good flea the Divells skin over his eares.

Contempt repaid with scorne; tis my desert; Poyson soone murders a love wounded heart.

If she neglect and throw[105] disgrace on thee, Fly't thou as much and be thy scorne as free. Thu.

I will inquire out one By nature framd in scorne of bewty, and In your perfidious daughters presence give her That heart which she reiected.

O, Clariana, let me but decline Passion, and tell you seriously that this Is cruel in you, first to scorne my love, Next to admitt a scruple of beleife, Though you can be perfidious to your selfe, That I can be soe.

render me a scorne To the most base of our revengefull sex!

As I use this I waigh you: you are he That when your Company was viewd and checkd For your dead paies, stood on your termes of honour, Cryde out "I am a Gentleman, a Commaunder, And shall I be curbd by my lords the States," (For thus you said in scorne)

Your sweet humillitie has made 'em scorne ye And us, and all the world that serve their uses; And stick themselves up teachers, masters, princes, Allmost new gods too, founders of new faithes.

And that you may know, How ere his mallice live to me, all hatred Is dead in me to him, I am a Suitour He may be sent for; for, as Barnavelt is A member of this body politique, I honour him, and will not scorne to yeild A strict accompt of all my Actions to him;

Yes; That you all know, Grotius, they did at Utrich, But since they have with more severitie And scorne of us proceeded.

You have studied long enough To serve the uses of those men that scorne ye; 'Tis time you take your ease now.

There Naiis sings, roguishly enough, in the martial metre of Agincourt: 'Cloe, I scorne my Rime Should observe feet or time, Now I fall, then I clime, What is't I dare not?' 'Give thy Invention wing,

97 examples of  scorne  in sentences