418 examples of scroll in sentences

In his hand was a scroll inscribed as follows: "Six times twice six years have I striven after knowledge, and I now bequeath to the world the fruit of my toil, being six poisons.

A large scroll lay open on his knees, the contents of which seemed to afford him little satisfaction.

He had just presence of mind to shuffle his scroll under an enormous dictionary ere he fell at Apollo's feet.

" "I must see it," persisted Apollo; and Nonnus reluctantly disinterred his scroll from under the big dictionary, and handed it up, trembling like a schoolboy who anticipates a castigation for a bad exercise.

"Then," cried the Governor, pitching to the poet the first scroll brought to him, "the thirteenth book.

At last we escaped by resolutely, following the exact opposite track to that which we observed to be taken by a poet, who was chasing a phantom of Fame with a scroll of unintelligible and inharmonious verse.

It is thus described by Dr. Moody Stuart, who was for many years her close friend: "There was nothing of the nature of a dream or trance; but as she lay sleepless, there appeared as if really before her eyes a white scroll unrolled, glistening with unearthly brightness, and with floods of vivid light ever flowing over it.

Written at the head of the scroll, in large bright letters of gold, she read this inscription:'THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.'

'After I had written the epitaph,' wrote Parr to a friend, 'Sir Joshua Reynolds told me there was a scroll.

What could I do with the scroll?

Though the inscription on the scroll is not strictly speaking part of the epitaph, yet this mixture of Greek and Latin is open to the censure Johnson passed on Pope's Epitaph on Craggs.

A scroll hung in an illuminated recess at one end of the room.

But unopened she held the little printed scroll, while she watched the home-returning birds, whose nests were in the mighty branches of the chestnut-trees.

" The lady of the caravan then unfolded another scroll, whereon was the inscription, "One hundred figures the full size of life," then several smaller ones with such inscriptions as, "The genuine and only Jarley," "Jarley is the delight of the nobility and gentry," "The royal family are the patrons of Jarley."

The first and riper world of men and skill, Yields to our later time for three inventions, Miraculously we write, we sail, we kill, As neither ancient scroll nor story mentions.

It appeared that Mr. Ainslie denied that there was any copy or scroll of the will, through the means of which it might have been "set up," by what is called a proving of the tenor.

" "And if thou fallest, proud Swiss," answered Arthur, "as well I trust thy presumption leads to destruction, I will have thee buried in the church at Einsiedlen, where the priests shall sing masses for thy soulthy two-handed sword shall be displayed above the grave, and a scroll shall tell the passenger, Here lies a bear's cub of Berne, slain by Arthur the Englishman.

I surrendered utterly and passionately to the spell of the beauty which we were opening like a long scroll.

Then the future opened its ocult scroll.

But, no more; since I have taken up my pen solely to wile away these last, brief, melancholy hours, in narrating those circumstances of my past life, which shall have tended to shrivel ere long, amidst diabolical agonies, the trembling hand that records them, like a parched scroll, and to scatter the ashes of this now vigorous body, to the winds.

Curled within their minds, like an endless scroll, are the marvellous scriptures of millenniums, and yet their brain-surfaces are fresh for earth's newest concept....

He was staying once in a Scotch country-house where, over his bed, hung an illuminated scroll with the inscription, "Occupy till I come," which, as Mr. Guthrie justly observes, is an unusually extended invitation, even for Scottish notions of hospitality.

But that boy" "Shh!" reproved Mr. Tutt, slowly shaking his head so that the smoke from his rat-tailed cigar wove a gray scroll in the air before his face.

A scroll of parchment was rolled within it, faded, yellow, and old.

Saul's mind was preoccupied; he paid very little attention to the story; but when I gave him the white-furred scroll, and he opened it, then the grave professorWell, it is better that I do not put into words what followed, even here, on the Big Blue.

418 examples of  scroll  in sentences