105 examples of scrutinised in sentences

Edwards scrutinised her calculatingly.

Not seeing him, he went over and scrutinised the tumbled contents of the bunks.

Rolfe scrutinised these windows closely.

The man turned the bill he had received, over and over in his hand; then scrutinised Sweetwater, with his first show of hesitation.

As I scrutinised the latter's bearing, I seemed to penetrate the mystery of her nature.

Had he narrowly scrutinised the countenance of the fair Frenchwoman, as she glanced at the direction of that which he had just placed in her hand, he might have seen certain transient, but very unmistakable evidences of excitement and agitation.

He scrutinised me attentively by the light of the entry lamp, and then remarked: "Fetter Lane doesn't seem to be agreeing with you very well, my son.

" "Disappearances in London seem a little out of date," Wingate remarked, as he scrutinised the dish which the maître d'hôtel had brought for his inspection.

The cakes, each of separate date, are carefully scrutinised, and placed in order of quality.

Margaret lifted the two wills, scrutinised them closely, and then looked at the fire, interrogatively.

Not only should her written pedigree be scrupulously scrutinised, but her own constitution and that of her parents on both sides should be minutely inquired into.

Roger Chillingworth scrutinised his patient carefully, and, accepted as the medical adviser, determined to know the man before attempting to do him good.

" He handed me the lens and I scrutinised every part of each hand without being able to detect the faintest trace of any recent wound.

This Thorndyke scrutinised eagerly, and having pronounced it satisfactory, informed Mrs. Hornby that the object of her visit was attained, and thanked her for the trouble she had taken.

Our friend approached the wall, still holding up the lamp, and scrutinised the surface with close attention; and while he was thus engaged, I observed Thorndyke stoop quickly and pick up something, which he deposited carefully, and without remark, in his waistcoat pocket.

Every regulation for the rapid mobilisation of labour is scrutinised to find the trick in it.

Without giving himself away by indulging in effusiveness, or being carried away by the glamour of the occasion, he managed to make a very circumspect, clever, and appropriate speech, which, though closely scrutinised, brought no reproaches or even adverse criticisms from Republicans or Royalists.

She scrutinised his face as the train moved out of the station, and tried to account for his mood.

" She sat up quickly and scrutinised his face.

For a moment they scrutinised one another.

His eyes scrutinised the great curtain of the mountains with a keener inquiry.

The Colonel turned in his saddle and scrutinised him.

It is unpleasant, however, to be scrutinised and thought suspicious.

The talk stopped as I entered, and I was aware that I was being scrutinised with some curiosity.

It so happened that the nation into whose midst he had plunged, and whose characteristics he had scrutinised with so avid a curiosity, had just reached one of the culminating moments in its history.

105 examples of  scrutinised  in sentences