38 examples of scuppers in sentences

In a moment I stood free, and Perdosa was picking himself out of the scuppers.

I had company enough in the scuppers.

Her tall red funnel was inclined sharply, much of her side was above water, and muddy streams poured from the scuppers on the after deck, where men with long boots pulled a hose-pipe about.

He had to work one of his arms out after his shoulders and then, twisting round, strain and claw at the smooth overhang of the stern until able to catch the outer lip of the scuppers above.

I never seed a schooner of her tonnage, come in from a v'y'ge, with her scuppers so near awash.

Anyone who scuppers him has got me to beat to him.

The mad turmoil of water swept his nearly lifeless form into the scuppers, but before another comber could snatch him overboard, I managed to reach his side and drag him into safety.

"The big Kanaka who pulled Leith out of the scuppers when he fell yesterday.

"I'm up to my scuppers with business.

He assimilates the sluggish sympathies of his readers to those of sailors and vulgar ballad readers, who cannot be excited to an interest in the battle of the Arethusa, unless they learn that "her sails smoaked with brains, and her scuppers ran blood;"a line which threatens him with formidable competitors from before the mast.

The Mate picked him up out of the scuppers and we dried his clothes over the boilers, but the monocle was never seen again.

"As for his head-piece, I will not engage to give very true account," returned the old mariner though he had the look of one who had been kept a good deal of his time, in the lee scuppers.

As she felt the pressure of the broad sheets of canvas that had just been distended, the ship bowed lower, and appeared to recline on the bed of water which rose under her lee nearly to the scuppers.

"It isthe ship has already brought her scuppers to the water.

I had jumped from the nettings, where I was perched, to assist in unbolting one of the carronade slides, when I slipped and capsized against a peg sticking out of one of the scuppers.

His lower spars were cased in tight unmentionables of what had once been white kerseymere, and long boots, the coal-scuttle tops of which served as scuppers to carry off the drainings from his coat-flaps in bad weather; he was, in fact, the "last of the sea-monsters," but, like all his tribe, as brave as steel, and, when put to it, as alert as a cat.

One magnificent afternoon, a few days after the escape of the Dolphin just related, Dumps and Poker lay side by side in the lee-scuppers, calmly sleeping off the effects of a surfeit produced by the eating of a large piece of pork, for which the cook had searched in vain for three-quarters of an hour, and of which he at last found the bare bone sticking in the hole of the larboard pump.

Of course they, in common with all other Ducks, must take a vast amount of mud and water into their mouths with their food; but instead of having to swallow this, it drains off through the little grooves on the inside edges of the bill, as a ship's deck is drained of water by means of the scuppers.

That was what I believed in that startling momentbut as I went head first overboard I was aware that his fall was confined to a sprawl into the scuppers.

One thing after another went; the topgallants shook loose and had to be sent down; the chain bobstays parted and the martingale slued out of place; one of the anchors broke its fastenings and hammered at the side; the galley gave way and went slopping into the lee scuppers.

But while the ocean within was still running out of her scuppers, the ocean without assaulted her anew.

Even while Clara was crossing the deck a frothing comber deluged her to her waist, and Thurstane had all he could do to keep her from being flung into the lee scuppers.

As for a berth, Sir, one always wishes to be captain even though he may be compelled to eat his ration in the lee-scuppers.

The ship yielded to the pressure, until the water was seen gushing through her lee-scuppers, and her tall line of masts inclined towards the plane of the bay, as if the ends of the yards were about to dip into the water.

Once fast to the chain, we are yet strong enough to haul him in under our scuppers, and to capture him with the pumps!

38 examples of  scuppers  in sentences