328 examples of scuttled in sentences

Those fellows had swept the sloop clean, and had doubtless long ago scuttled it.

" Patty scuttled, but during the process of making all the haste she could, she very nearly lost her temper.

He saw no Forest People except a little brown goblin who peered at him from some underbrush and then scuttled away into the darkness of denser brush.

A little later a small boy, who had been playing horse in front of his house, scuttled back toward the kitchen, crying out: "Mama!

Then with a little giggle she turned and scuttled out of the room.

The pig squealed vigorously and scuttled away, but the horse cantered on without changing its step.

This summer one of the Georgia boats off Tybee saved a three-mast vessel which the Spaniards had abandoned, leaving eighteen Englishmen on board, after having barbarously scuttled her, and choked the pumps, that the men might sink with the ship; but the boat's men, getting on board in good time, saved the men and the ship.

He went down with his left hand against the wall, and the lizards basking in the sunlight scuttled into their crevices as he approached.

In these awful circumstances, the captain ordered the lower decks to be scuttled, to admit water; this was done; several poor seamen being suffocated by the smoke in executing the order; but now a new danger threatened, the sea rushed in so furiously, that the ship was becoming water-logged, and all feared her going down.

Had a muskrat poked its pointed muzzle over a rock, or a squirrel scuttled in that instant down the bark of a tree, he would most likely have collapsed without more ado and fainted.

It died away, began again, then trailed out to a faint wail as the boys scuttled off round the barn to the orchard.

Scuttled 'em aft.

All the men scattered over the globe to-day, some that went as boys with me, will have to hear old man Riggs turned pirate at the last and scuttled his own ship.

Clubin, the captain, as smug a hypocrite as ever scuttled a ship, had intended to run the Durande on the Hanways.

Dorothea, scrubbing her face with yellow soap till it shone again, proceeded to array herself in raiment of many colours, and, when got up to her own satisfaction, scuttled off to a distant part of London, making use of more than one omnibus in her journey; and so, returning almost upon her tracks, confronted Gentleman Jim as he emerged from his usual house of call in the narrow street out of Holborn.

You scuttled along-snatched a momentary shelter where you could.

" They scuttled off, the wizened little old man steadying his fat klootch along her uncertain way.

The Frogs were terrified at first by the splash, and scuttled away into the deepest parts of the pool; but by and by, when they saw that the log remained motionless, one by one they ventured to the surface again, and before long, growing bolder, they began to feel such contempt for it that they even took to sitting upon it.

Presently, when all was quiet, they ventured out again; but some one else came in, and off they scuttled again.

If the three-masted merchantman which lay becalmed was not visible at break of day it was because she had been scuttled by the tug, boarded by the cut-throat band on the Ebba, and sunk with all on board after being pillaged.

The magician drew closer about him his old threadbare dressing-gown, and he desisted from his enchantments, and he put aside a small unfinished design, which scuttled into the fireplace, whimpering.

Each time that happened all the lizards scuttled in and hid for a space.

"He was the mildest manner'd man, That ever scuttled ship or cut a throat; With such true breeding of a gentleman, You never could discern his real thought.

The men and women shrank away, and the children scuttled off between their legs.

His daughter says that when the blow came, that day of the panic, when Reinhart jammed the stock out of sight and scuttled her father's bankers and partners in the road, the Wilsons of Baltimore, she had a frightful struggle to keep her father from going insane.

328 examples of  scuttled  in sentences