39 examples of seafarers in sentences

And then, when the native productiveness of the Near East was ruined, the transit trade between Europe and the Indies, which had belonged to it from the earliest times and had been the second source of its prosperity, was taken from it by the western seafarers who discovered the ocean routes.

In this several ships of Caesar were destroyed, because he was arrayed against expert seafarers; but Menecrates out of rivalry attacked Menas and perished, making the loss of Sextus an equal one.

But the nations they expelled from Canaan, the worshippers of the fish-tailed Dagon, who fled westward to build Tartessus (Tarshish) on the Gaditanian peninsula, or who clung with precarious footing to the sea-shore of Philistia and the rocky steeps of Tyre and Sidon,these were seafarers.

Mother Carey sends them to warn seafarers of approaching storms and bids them go out all over the seas to show the good birds the way home.

The former were seafarers; the latter, farmers.

Seafarers Who from afar over the mists of waters Drive foamy keels may call it Beowulf's Mount Hereafter."

That he overwent; this also may I. THE SEAFARER.

The wonderful poem of "The Seafarer" seems to be in two distinct parts.

In our study we have noted: (1) the great epic or heroic poem Beowulf, and a few fragments of our first poetry, such as "Widsith," "Deor's Lament," and "The Seafarer."

The Seafarer, Love Letter (Husband's Message), Battle of Brunanburh, Deor's Lament, Riddles, Exodus, The Christ, Andreas, Dream of the Rood, extracts in Cook and Tinker's Translations from Old English Poetry (Ginn and Company); Judith, translation by A.S. Cook.

" Footnote 22: From Iddings' version of The Seafarer.

The Exeter Book contains the Christ, Guthlac, the Phoenix, Juliana, Widsith, The Seafarer, Deor's Lament, The Wife's Complaint, The Lover's Message, ninety-five Riddles, and many short hymns and fragments,an astonishing variety for a single manuscript.

" In 1864 Tennyson published "Enoch Arden," an idyll of the hearth, depicting a pathetic incident in a seafarer's career, of much simple idyllic beauty.

Africa's straight coast-lines, affording little shelter to the primitive ships of early mariners, repelled the enterprising Phoenicians and other seafarers in their eager search for new lands worth colonizing.

Mariner N. sailor, mariner, navigator; seaman, seafarer, seafaring man; dock walloper

One may walk unhindered at low tide across the rocks to this favourite place, but where the chantry stood there is now a lighthouse with a powerful lantern, flashing its welcome light to the seafarers nearing the mouth of the Tyne, and extending "To each and all our equal lamp, at peril of the sea, The white wall-sided war-ships, or the whalers of Dundee."

And, in connection with ships and seafarers, though not in any commercial sense, we may proudly recall the fact that the first Lifeboat was launched on the Tyne and named after the river; and the first Volunteer Life Brigade was formed at Tynemouth.

It is fascinating to observe how it was the needs of the merchants and seafarers of Asia Minor and Greece that provided the stimulus for the growth of the classic sciences, and how on the contrary the growth of Chinese science was stifled because the gentry were so strongly hostile to commerce and navigation, though both had always existed.

Never so long as ship's biscuits continue to buckle the jack-knives of British seafarers will there be another weevil like Mnemosyne.

BURGESS, J. TOM. Knots, ties, and splices; a handbook for seafarers, travelers, and all who use cordage, with practical notes on wire & wire splicing, anglers' knots, etc. Rev. & rewritten by J. Irving.

BURGESS, J. TOM. Knots, ties, and splices; a handbook for seafarers, travelers, and all who use cordage, with practical notes on wire & wire splicing, anglers' knots, etc. Rev. & rewritten by J. Irving.

Impelled by the occasion and the charm of the night he waxed sentimental, and with a strange mixture of bluffness and shyness spoke of his aged mother, of the loneliness of a seafarer's life, and the inestimable boon of real friendship.

It was naturally at the East-end, in London proper, that the flood-tide, as it were, of tavern life set in, among the seafarers, in the heart of industrial activity; and the anecdotes and glimpses which we enjoy show, just what might have been guessed, that these houses often became scenes of riotous excess and debauch.

MEGARIS, a small but populous State of ancient Greece, S. of Attica, whose inhabitants were adventurous seafarers, credited with deceitful propensities.

Yes, that was the land from which seafarers in a former king's time had brought home golden sand.

39 examples of  seafarers  in sentences