155 examples of sealer in sentences

Of cargo, proper, there was none, or next to none; a sealer carrying little besides salt, and her stores.

" "What would you say to the note of a sealer who should lay down an island where the seals lie about on the beach like pigs in a pen, sunning themselves?

After a delay of several days, Hazard sent across from Stonington a man by the name of Watson, who had the reputation of being a first-class sealer.

Cook, himself, fell short of that, somewhat!" "Never mind Cookhe was a king's navigatormy man was an American sealer; and what he has once seen he knows where to find again.

Didn't you tell me something of having seen a schooner at New Bedford, that was about our build and burthen, and that you understood had been bought for a sealer?" "Ay, ay, sir," answered Stimson, as bluff an old sea-dog as ever flattened in a jib-sheet, "and that's the craft, as I'm a thinkin', Mr. Green.

"Although we have had the wind at sow-west" (sow-west always, as pronounced by every seaman, from the Lord High Admiral of England, when there happens to be such a functionary, down to the greenest hand on board the greenest sealer) "for these last few days," said Hazard, "anybody can see we shall soon have easterly weather.

I was once in a sealer that, do all she could, couldn't get shut of a curious neighbour.

It's as much out of the track of a whaler, or sealer, as Jupiter is out of the track of Mars, or Venus.

Then, your sealer hasn't half as much need of your academy-sort of navigation, as another man.

No navigator but a sealer would have dreamed of carrying his vessel into such a place, but it is a part of their calling to poke about in channels and passages where no one else has ever been.

But the American sealer rarely hesitates.

As a sealer, he had several times penetrated as far south as the ne plus ultra of Cook; but it had ever before been in subordinate situations.

To render 'assurance doubly sure,' as to the information of Daggett, the smoke of a volcano arose from a rock to the eastward, that appeared to be some three or four miles in circumference, and which stood on the eastern side of the great basin, or some four leagues from Sealer's Land, as Daggett had at once named the principal island.

Once within the islands, and reasonably clear of all ice, it was an easy thing for the schooner to run across the basin, or great bay, and reach the north-eastern extremity of Sealer's Land.

Does it not seem to you that yonder are the bones of sea lions, or of seals of some sort, lying hereaway as if men had been at work on the creatures?" "No doubt on't at all, Captain Gar'ner; as much out of the way as this island isand I never heard of the place afore, old a sealer as I ambut, as much out of the way as it is, we are not the first to find it.

Such was the general character of Sealer's Land, so far as the hurried observations of its present master enabled him to ascertain.

Gardiner got this concession out of the miserly temperament of the old man, by persuading him that a sealer could not work to any advantage, unless he had the means of occasionally warming himself.

"That is a pleasant sight to a true sealer, Captain Gar'ner," observed Stimson, who as usual had kept near his officer, "and one that I can say I never before saw equalled.

On the whole, he fancied his chances good; and such he found to be Stimson's opinion, when this experienced sealer was questioned on the subject.

He had sounded in entering the great bay, and had ascertained that comparatively shallow water existed between the south-eastern extremity of Sealer's Land and the nearest island opposite.

Find an island large enough to land a goat upon, and you will find it laid down in the charts,and, if it be only far enough south, a Stonington sealer at anchor under its lee, or a New Bedford whaler's crew ashore picking up drift-wood.


" "Or some poor sealer caught in the ice and frozen to death," murmured Mrs. Burton, with a sobbing catch in her breath.


A sealer had established himself on the north island with two wives, natives of Tasmania.

155 examples of  sealer  in sentences