32 examples of seance in sentences

" Thus the seance went forward.

Our visit, however, was unsatisfactory; and as we came away Colonel A said "Well, I suppose this experience confirms you in your disbelief?" "No," said I. "My first visits have generally been failures, and I have more than once been told that my own temperament is most unfavourable to the success of a seance.

Then with a resolute effort of will he mastered his imagination, reminding himself that spirits gifted in the matter of moving material objects such as candlesticks, frequent only the booths of seance mediums.

All absurd efforts of agility which you ever saw at a seance of the Hylobates Lar Club at Cambridge are quiet and clumsy compared to the rope-dancing which goes on in the boughs of the Poui tree, or, to their great detriment, of the Bougainvillea and the Gardenia on the lawn.

[formal gathering of members of a council: script] assembly, caucus, conclave, clique, conventicle; meeting, sitting, seance, conference, convention, exhibition, session, palaver, pourparler, durbar^, house; quorum; council fire [U.S.], powwow

Visitors who can satisfy the authorities that they are desirous of studying the works of art with a serious purpose can obtain free passes; but only after certain preliminaries, which include a seance with a photographer to satisfy the doorkeeper, by comparing the real and counterfeit physiognomies, that no illicit transference of the precious privilege has been made.

And a few minutes later you may see a large lighted limousine moving off into the night, bearing Staff officers to their offices for the evening seance of work which ends at twelve o'clock or thereabouts.

Mr. Tilly's seance.

TILLY'S SEANCE, by E. F. Benson.

The last seance.

Ed holds a seance.

Mr. Tilly's seance.

TILLY'S SEANCE, by E. F. Benson.

Ed holds a seance.

"The colonel has come to attend a spiritualistic seance.

The colonel had not been given a private seance.

de zele aux autres deuoirs qui contribuëront à vostre satisfaction, & qui seront agreables à touts les veritables estimateurs de la bien-seance & de l'honnesteté de la conuersation commune, comme nous le soutraitions auec passion.

vne personne qualifiée & de merite, il est de la bien-seance de faire vne petite recapitulation de ce qui a esté auancé, & de poursuiure la deduction de tout le reste de la matiere.

Traittant quelqu'vn, il est de la bien-seance de le seruir en table, & luy presenter des viandes, voire mesme de celles qui sont proches de luy.

"That will keep her out of the way while we have our seance with the Draper.

My brother, my wife, four children and myself were recreating for a week in the woods and waters of Onset Bay, and while walking in the gloaming through the grove, listening to the music of the band, we saw a notice posted on a tree stating that the B sisters would give a materializing seance in their cottage at this hour.

We were all skeptics of the most pronounced type, having seen much of the contemptible trickery and fraud of so-called mediums; but we yielded to the temptation to enter the seance room through mere curiosity.

I'll take his word to get out, and stay out; otherwise he and I are going to have a little seance of our own.

Three hours afterward, when the seance was over, Madam C., entered the room and recognized Mr. Elliott, of Messrs. Elliott & Fry, as the gentleman whom she had seen and described in the water-bottle at the restaurant.

Not only had he brought home a huge pile of prizes, but no sooner was the seance after dinner broken up, than he detained Julius, saying, in a very meek and modest tone, "Rose says you know all the books in the library.

32 examples of  seance  in sentences