Do we say sears or seers

sears 1085 occurrences

R81298, 23Jul51, Lydia Sears Mantle (W) BEVERIDGE, ALBERT JEREMIAH.

R86074. SEE Ives, Howard Chapin, comp. SEARS, CLARA ENDICOTT.

© 1Mar24, A777432. R87617, 20Dec51, Clara Endicott Sears (A) SEAY, NOBLE H. Report of cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of Alabama. R84589.


Sears, Roebuck and Company (PWH); 9Mar77; R655750. R655751.

Sears, Roebuck and Company (PWH); 9Mar77; R655751. <pb id='109.png' n='1977h1/A/3278' /> R655752.

Sears, Roebuck and Company, fall and winter, 1949;

Sears, Roebuck and Company (PWH); 9Mar77; R655752.

Sears, Roebuck and Company (PWH); 9Mar77; R655754. R655755. Sears, Roebuck and Company, fall and winter, 1949: Boston.

Sears, Roebuck and Company, fall and winter, 1949; Greensboro.

Sears 1949 Christmas book; Minneapolis.

Sears, Roebuck and Company (PWH); 9Mar77; R655759. R655760. Sears 1949 Christmas book; Kansas City.

Sears, Roebuck and Company (PWH); 9Mar77; R655762. R655763.

Sears 1949 Christmas book; Seattle.

Sears 1949 Christmas book; Los Angeles.

Sears, Roebuck and Company (PWH); 9Mar77; R655766.

Sears 1949 Christmas book; Dallas.

Sears, Roebuck and Company (PWH); 9Mar77; R655768.

Sears 1949 Christmas book; Atlanta.

By Francis Weston Sears.

By Francis Weston Sears & Mark W. Zemansky.

R674761. Catalogues and counters: a history of Sears, Roebuck and Company.

Margaret Saint Clair (A); 25Oct77; R675076. R675079. Sears 1950 Christmas book: Minneapolis.

Sears, Roebuck and Company (PWH); 26Oct77; R675080.

The intense heat applied to the food soon sears its outer surfaces, and thus prevents the escape of its juices.

seers 158 occurrences

Moreover, quite apart from the great dream of those seers, the poets, Nicolas, like a practical man, whatever his enthusiasm, gayly gave his reasons for departing.

" Chaldea's seers are good,

Before his time the prophets had been known as seers; but Samuel superadded the duties of a religious teacher,the spokesman of the Almighty.

I gather from it that "Althea," a normal clairvoyant, and other seers, have visited the planetsin their astral bodies, of courseto make inquiries on various aspects of the war.

Althea and "the other seers" seem to have had quite a busy time running about among the stars and talking to the inhabitants about the trouble in our particular orb.

Watching and guarding, whispering still, "Win you canand you will, you will!" This is the story of ages, This is the Woman's way; Wiser than seers or sages, Lifting us day by day; Facing all things with a courage Nothing can daunt or dim, Treading Life's path, wherever it leads Lined with flowers or choked with weeds, But ever with himwith him!

I remember formerly being often diverted with this kind of seers; they come, ask what such a room is called in which Sir Robert lay, write it down, admire a lobster or a cabbage in a Market Piece, dispute whether the last room was green or purple, and then hurry to the inn, for fear the fish should be over-dressed.

it would give the honest gate-keeper that gift of second-sight on which the Scottish seers are said to pride themselves.

Of the others who came to see Jenny, I shall not speak,the vulgar sight-seers, the creepy old women, connoisseurs in beautiful death, for whom a neighbour's funeral was like an invitation to the grand opera, but on whom perhaps one should not be too severe, for even such coarse sensitiveness to a mystery is the crude beginning of the poetic.

On the morrow the girl pleads with her father to make peace, with humorous naïveté argues with the counsellors of state, tries to bribe the seers, and finally resorts to magic.

In the mood engendered by such familiar experiences of a holiday saunter, it may well occur to anyone to think with interest and sympathy of the poets and seers who, thousands of years ago, first dared to discern in this maze of existence the varied expression of one all-embracing and eternal Life, or Power.

" After spending the night at Albano, which they found crowded with artists of various nationalities and with other sight-seers, "We set out for Genzano, a pleasant walk of a little more than a mile through a winding carriage-road, thickly shaded with fine trees of elm and chestnut and ilex.

The Southern saints and religious artists were seers,men and women of that peculiar fineness and delicacy of temperament which made them especially apt to receive and project outward the truths of the spiritual life; they were in that state of "divine madness" which is favorable to the most intense conception of the poet and artist, and something of this influence descended through all the channels of the people.

In the first place, such an emute would fulfil their predictions with regard to the passing the Emancipation Act, and so establish their reputation as seers; and in the next, it would lead to the sale of many of the plantations at one-sixth their real value, and so transform them from agents to principles, as they would not fail to be the purchasers.

But I am rather inclined to hold, with another class of inquirers, that the origin of such marvels must be looked for in the mind of the seers; although I do not go the length of their scepticism, and deny the actual existence of the ghostly show, as a real and visible spectacle, before the eyes.

But chiefly to the Italian should the student be directed, who would enlarge his views on the present subject, and especially to the works of Raffaelle and Michael Angelo; in whose highest efforts we have, so to speak, certain revelations of Nature which could only have been made by her privileged seers.

They gave us about eight or nine seers, enough to last us for the week.

That hope was based more especially upon the fact that in Gades, when he was praetor, he had dreamed of intercourse with his mother, and had learned from the seers that he should come to great power.

Mere sight-seers seldom see much of anything.

Songs of the seers.

A weight, 40 seers or 82 pounds. Meral.

I regard him rather as one of those numerous original seers who can never learn how to articulate.

Mr. Carpenter, in an interesting study of what he calls Intermediate Types, shows that the seers and spiritually-minded come to be such because they found themselves differing in some wise from their fellows, and dwelling on that difference had their minds turned inward.

Science is "discovering" and proving the truth of many statements made by those old seers and savants.

"Chronicle," and practically a history of his own times from 1259 to 1307, which is both a spirited and trustworthy account, albeit in parts not original; b. 1250. RISHIS (i. e. seers), a name given by the Hindus to seven wise men whose eyes had been opened by the study of the sacred texts of their religion, the souls of whom are fabled to be incarnated in the seven stars of the Great Bear.

Do we say   sears   or  seers