6 examples of sease in sentences

Gentle freind, An humor, heavy as my soule was steep'd In Lethe, seases on me and I feare

[Sease Musicke] But stay, the musikes husht; I hope theyle appeare; I doe feale no such paine in my wounds that I had need of musicke to bring me to sleepe.

What witch had duld my sense That such a stuped Lethurgie should sease My intellectuall faculties they could not Perceive this drift!

But 'tmust not remaine In that lone habitation, least a curse, A fearefull one, sease on mee.

I cannot choose: goe, get you home, antiquity; thinke [of] heaven, say thy prayers often for thy old sinns and let [thy] maid diett thee with warme broathes least some cold appoplexis sease thee before thou art prepard.

The cho[i]ce is such as choiser cannot bee Even with a nimble eye; his vertues through His smile is like the Meridian Sol Discern'd a dauncing in the burbling brook; His frowne out-dares the Austerest face Of warre or Tyranny to sease upon; His shape might force the Virgine huntresse With him for ever live a vestall life; His minde is virtues over-matcht, yet

6 examples of  sease  in sentences