64 examples of seasick in sentences

"And you might be seasick," he said.

And then you leave things unseen or half-seen, you spoil your work, because a girl is seasick!

A seasick man is indifferent to shipwreck.

"Say, neighbor, are you having a hard time?" asked the seasick but cheerful individual under the hencoop.

" "I trust so," groaned the seasick man by the hencoop.

'I wish I were sure of being seasick,' Margaret said thoughtfully.

They are nearly always seasick, especially the first day out.

People who are seasick some hours after a meal vomit undigested food.

I was to learn later that it is as difficult at a high elevation for one who is not climbing to have any sympathy for those suffering from soroche as it is for a sailor to appreciate the sensations of one who is seasick.

When they were seasick they deeply and loudly lamented leaving their home, but on recovery they soon became "as firmly attached to us as if they had been born amongst us.

A beautiful morning with head wind and heavy sea, making many seasick.

But, uncomfortable as he was, and much as he felt like a seasick balloonist, he did not know in what a lucky position he was, nor how happy he should have been that it was not even riskier.

he explained, "I'm not seasick now.

"Are you ever seasick?"

The heave and swing of the steamer and the mountainous waves have been so realistically shown on the screen in the theatre that some squeamish spectators have been made almost seasick.

Here, besides being half seasick, I was placed at the mercy of many voracious fleas, who obstinately stayed, persisting in keeping me company.

He was terribly seasick crossing the Channel, to my intense satisfaction.

As he always boasted of his distinguished countrymen, I suggested, in the midst of one of his most agonizing spasms, that he ought to find consolation in the fact that Lord Nelson was always seasick on the slightest provocation.

In the morning the wind gradually died away, and the weary, seasick crowd made their way home.

I remember speculating curiously upon the probability of Noah's having ever been seasick; wondering how the sea-going qualities of the Ark would compare with those of our brig, and whether she had our brig's uncomfortable way of pitching about in a heavy swell.

I wonder if any one has ever written down on paper his seasick reveries.

There are "Evening Reveries," "Reveries of a Bachelor," and "Seaside Reveries" in abundance; but no one, so far as I know, has ever even attempted to do his seasick reveries literary justice.

Meanwhile Coronado had amused Clara below until he felt seasick and had to take to his berth.

Garcia, horribly seasick and frightened, held on desperately to his berth, and passed the time in screaming for the "stewrt," cursing his evil surroundings, calling everybody he could think of pigs, dogs, etc., and praying to saints and angels.

"Yes," agrees the man with the recalcitrant hair, "but my uncle is going to build one so long that when a passenger gets seasick in one end of it he can go to the other end and be clear away from the storm.

64 examples of  seasick  in sentences