Do we say seasonable or seasonal

seasonable 1156 occurrences

It is good, then, that neighbors should club together for the festive purposes of the picnic, and a few words of advice regarding the arrangement of such parties may be seasonable.

Seasonable at any time.

Seasonable at any time.

Seasonable at any time.

Seasonable at any time.

Seasonable at any time.

Seasonable at any time.

Seasonable at any time.

Seasonable at any time, but less plentiful in winter.

Seasonable at any time.

Seasonable at any time.

Seasonable at any time.

Seasonable at any time.

Seasonable from September to March.

Seasonable from March to October.

Seasonable from March to October.

Seasonable at any time.

The king of England offered, likewise, to mediate between them; but his propositions were rejected at Vienna, where a resolution was taken, not only to revenge the interruption of their success on the Rhine, by the recovery of Silesia, but to reward the Saxons for their seasonable help, by giving them part of the Prussian dominions.

It has been, indeed, agreed, that there are contained in the paper some true positions, and some passages innocent, at least, and perhaps rational and seasonable.

But as an army is, at present, likely to be kept up for our defence, against an enemy less formidable, it may be more seasonable to propose the regulation than the dismission of our troops, and to mention those evils which arise from the present establishment, rather than those which are inseparable from the expense of a standing force.

I went to Oxford, where the asthma was very tyrannical, and the dropsy began again to threaten me; but seasonable physick stopped the inundation: I then returned to London, and in July took a resolution to visit Staffordshire and Derbyshire, where I am yet struggling with my diseases.

Having an intimacy with the gentleman said to be the one whose hand had offered the seasonable relief, he determined the next time he made him a visit to introduce the subject, and, if possible, to know the reason that induced the generous action.

This, like all other exercise, should be taken at seasonable hours.

But her most seasonable extract from the laws of the Wolfmark, which so opportunely saved the life of your fair wife, and led to this present happy consummation, I have here by me, even in my hand.

Shall we never again have a thorough, seasonable, wholesome, continental war?

seasonal 47 occurrences

The desert floras shame us with their cheerful adaptations to the seasonal limitations.

Hibernation may, perhaps, be put down to a seasonal wave of inactivity of the pituitary gland.

The complete development of these characters is exhibited in northern species, and it has been beautifully shown that as we go southward there is a strong tendency to diminished size; toward smaller antlers and reduction in the number of tines; to smaller size, and finally complete loss of the metatarsal gland on the outside of the hind leg; and to the assumption of a uniform color throughout the year, instead of a seasonal change.

Finally there is the Northwestern logger, whose work, unlike that of the Middle Western "jack" is not seasonal, but who is compelled nevertheless to remain migratory.

But his lack of experience and his ignorance of the local seasonal conditions counterbalanced these, and explained his failures.

The trees along the town ways are splendid, umbrageous masses of dark foliage whose golden crops fall upon the roadways, and which have been so chosen that though they are seasonal, the round mango is succeeded by the golden egg, and that by a small purple sort, while the large, long variety continues most of the year.

All this is a seasonal enterprise.

More substantial was an essay of 1827 by a Marylander, James Raymond, who cited the experiences of his own commonwealth to support his contentions that slavery hampered economy by preventing seasonal shiftings of labor, by requiring employers to support their operatives in lean years as well as fat, and by hindering the accumulation of wealth by the laborers.

The Normal Social Life is as mute as the standing crops; it is as seasonal and cyclic as nature herself, and reaches towards the future only an intimation of continual repetitions.

It is alleged by modern writers that the permanent residence of the cultivator in close relation to his ground is a legacy from the days of cumbrous and expensive transit, that the great proportion of farm work is seasonal, and that a migration to and fro between rural and urban conditions would be entirely practicable in a largely planned community.

The excessive seasonal changes demanded in the East are not needed here.

Thus it was of the utmost importance to get safely over the precarious part of the 'road' before the seasonal going-out of the sea-ice.

Seasonal variations in industry and trade.

Seasonal fluctuations in employment in the women's clothing industry in New York.

Remedies for seasonal fluctuations.

There still remain some unanswered questions such, for example, as: whether in seasonal trades (e.g., teaching, or the building trades) allowance should be made for normal vacations and for slack times, not to be counted as unemployment; and whether lack of work at one's principal occupation is ever or always unemployment when the person is actually employed or can get work at some lower paid employment.

The two main types of these are seasonal and cyclical changes, the one occurring within a year, and the other occurring within the longer period of the business cycle.

At the downward swing of these seasonal and cyclical changes the number of would-be workers exceeds the number of jobs and the resulting unemployment is greatest when the minor and the major swings are both downward, about midwinter in a period of industrial depression.

#Remedies for seasonal fluctuations.

So long as only the seasonal variations are equalized and the total supply of the year is not reduced it is, on the marginal principle, an economic service to the consumers, comparable to insurance in its utility.

It is markedly superior in certainty; it may be blocked for a day or two by floods and snows, but it suffers no seasonal stoppage of traffic.

Sapwood might reasonably be expected to respond to seasonal changes, and to some extent it does.

There are seasonal differences in the composition of sap, but so far as the amount of sap in a tree is concerned there is fully as much, if not more, during the winter than in summer.

As a whole the earth is a going concern that carries out its daily, seasonal, yearly business of providing a home for an immense variety of forces; for living forms, in the earth, on the earth, in the water and in the air.

Through Egypt the river's course is confined to a valley some 10 m. broad, which owes its great fertility to the alluvial deposits left by the river during it annual overflow (July to October, caused by seasonal rains in Abyssinia, &c.).

Do we say   seasonable   or  seasonal