195 examples of second act in sentences

There are some pretty lines of his, 'Corinna, I excuse thy face', in Act v of Southerne's The Wives Excuse; or, Cuckolds make Themselves (1692); and a still better song, 'Bright Cynthia's pow'r divinely great,' which was sung by Leveridge in the second act of Southerne's Oroonoko (1699), came from his prolific pen.

The flight with Lucifer, in the second act, in the abyss of space and through the Hades of "uncreated night," with the vision of long-wrecked worlds, and the interminable gloomy realms Of swimming shadows and enormous shapes, suggested, as the author tells us, by the reading of Cuvierleaves us with impressions of grandeur and desolation which no other passages of English poetry can convey.

We got great scenery; the second act is made of what you might call a composite set, being composed out of all the scenery from the other failures this year.

In the beginning of the second act he has added a whole scene, where he introduces the ghost of Achilles rising from hell, to require the sacrifice of Polyxena!

It is curious to note that, in another play, Ibsen did actually transfer the erregende Moment, the joining of issue, from the second act to the first.

He may devote the early part of the second act to working-up the same line of interest to a higher pitch; or he may hold it in suspense while he prepares some further development of the action.

[Footnote 7: This might be said of the scene of the second act of The Benefit of the Doubt; but here the actual stage-topography is natural enough.

It would have been a painful, a delicate, a difficult scene, but it was the obligatory scene of the play; and had we been allowed clearly to foresee it at the end of the second act, our interest would have been decisively carried forward.

As a whole, Becket is one of his weakest productions; but the Prologue and the first act would have formed an excellent first and third act for a play of wholly different sequel, had he interposed, in a second act, the obligatory scene required to elucidate Becket's character.

It has been fully discussed in the second act between the Duke and his daughter Claire, who has been induced to accept it for the sake of the family name.

In the second act there still seems to be no obstacle of any sort.

The Passage I would point to is in the third Scene of the second Act of The Humorous Lieutenant.

We're up to the climax of the second act.

Preface Lest any idle person might think that I have had time to write plays during the last few years I may mention that the first act of The Tents of the Arabs was written on September 3rd, and the second act on September 8th, 1910.

I was always vaguely conscious that you were a necessary element in my life; but I did not wake up to any knowledge of it until that daydo you remember?when you came into my study to ask me what fish I'd like for dinner, and I begged of you to allow me to read to you that second act.

In the second act the legendhas not the tale of La Vallière acquired almost the quality of a legend?grew in persuasiveness and in magnificence.

Wednesday, December 16.Today, after dinner, Goethe read me the second scene of the second act of "Faust," where Mephistopheles visits Wagner, who is on the point of making a human being by chemical means.

" Jimmy Spence, paying no attention to the accusations of the girl, gave the war-whoop which had formerly been so effective in the second act of "Pocahontas"in which Jimmy had enacted the noble savageand then he danced a jig that had done service in "Colleen Bawn."

The remainder of the Scene, and its disposition, is given in the Fourth Scene of the Second Act.

Bourbon returns, and the second act opens with his interview with Renée, (or Margaret,) the daughter of the Queen Mother, and sister of Francis I., for whom he really entertains an affection.

Second act curtain.

Torture in the second act.

The crowning joke of the second Act of 'the Fortune Hunters' is the return at night of Mr. Spruce, an Exchange man, drunk and musical, to the garden-door of his house, when Mrs. Spruce is just taking leave of young Wealthy.

In the second act Procri, having recovered from her fright, is bent on avenging herself for the deceit practised by Cefalo, upon whose supposed love for Aurora she throws the blame in the matter.

Such was the tenor of the second act In this new life.

195 examples of  second act  in sentences