788 examples of secular in sentences

After the expulsion of the Danes, and during the brief restoration of the Saxon monarchy, these were still followed: even Edward the Confessor, who would join in no other secular amusements, took the greatest delight, says William of Malmesbury, "to follow a pack of swift hounds in pursuit of game, and to cheer them with his voice.

All over Syria there are French clerical, secular, and Judaic schools.

In July, 1139, a great council was held at Oxford; and thither came these three bishops with military and secular pomp, and with an escort that became "the wonder of all beholders."

He desired that the Pope should disentangle himself from the secular part of his office, and reduce that office within the purely spiritual domain; and that, above all, he should learn to govern and restrict himself.

Among the people and among the nobles, a considerable party had arisen who would concede to the Pope no kind of secular dominion.

Until his reappearance there is nothing left for the community to do but to await his advent, under the guidance of their secular rulers (e.g., the shâhs of Persia) and enlightened by their authoritative scholars (mujtahids), who explain faith and law to them from the tradition of the Sacred Family.

As secular affairs are often more expedited by a judicious arrangement, than by hard doing indiscriminately at the mass; so will undertakings of superior importance be more advantageously attained by keeping a single eye, and looking for best direction to make a proper selection of what ought to be done and what ought not to be done.

'Sir, Dr. Cheyne has laid down a rule to himself on this subject, which should be imprinted on every mind:"To neglect nothing to secure my eternal peace, more than if I had been certified I should die within the day: nor to mind any thing that my secular obligations and duties demanded of me, less than if I had been ensured to live fifty years more.

And as kings became proud and secular, probably their palaces became grander and larger,like the palaces of Nebuchadnezzar and Rameses the Great and the Persian monarchs at Susa, combining labor, skill, expenditure, dazzling the eye by the number of columns and statues and vast apartments, yet still deficient in beauty and grace.

De gustibus non est applies with as much force to religious as to secular life.

a week, and grow good, Messrs. Wilding and Strachan generously opened a room connected with their mill in New Hall-lane, for secular and religious instruction.

I must leave what I wrote in the midst of the stirring scenes of the interregnum between the secular monarchy and the short-lived Republicwhose advent I foresaw, but whose sudden fall was veiled from my sanguine visionwithout defense or apology, claiming only that it was written in good faith, from a heart filled with passionate convictions and an ardent love and devotion to what is best in Spain.

These bishops were surrounded and supported by priests, secular and regular,by those who ruled the people in small parishes, and those who ruled the upper classes in their monastic cells.

But the popes exercised certain powers and prerogatives in England, about the time of Wyclif, which were exceedingly offensive to the secular rulers of the land.

Nor were the lives of the secular clergy much more respectable than those of the great body of monks.

The reign of Elizabeth was marked, for the first time in the history of England, by the almost total exclusion of prelates from great secular offices.

In his treatise on the "Regimen of the Church" he contends that neither doctors nor deacons should hold secular offices, or even be land stewards and clerks of account, and appeals to the authority of the Fathers and Saint Paul in confirmation of his views.

And so of other abuses of the Church: he did not defy the Pope or deny his authority until it was plain that he sought to usurp the prerogatives of kings and secular rulers, and bring both the clergy and laity under his spiritual yoke.

The best known among his secular songs is Nordlands Trompet, a beautiful and patriotic description of the northern part of Norway.

These mercenary troops guarded his throne by the terrors of the sword; and Stephen, that he might also overawe all malecontents by new and additional terrors of religion, procured a bull from Rome, which ratified his title, and which the pope, seeing this prince in possession of the throne, and pleased with an appeal to his authority in secular controversies, very readily granted him

Without consulting the king, he immediately returned into his hands the commission of chancellor; pretending that he must thenceforth detach himself from secular affairs, and be solely employed in the exercise of his spiritual function; but in reality, that he might break off all connexions with Henry, and apprize him, that Becket, as Primate of England, was now become entirely a new personage.

They made only one convert in England, a woman as ignorant as themselves; yet they gave such umbrage to the clergy, that they were delivered over to the secular arm, and were punished by being burned on the forehead, and then whipped through the streets.

In their synods and assemblies they usurped the attributes of secular rulers, and discussed questions of peace and war.

He has even been called the founder of the secular English drama.

Leaving the service, he took orders, and was at this time a secular priest, living with Mr. Whitgrave.

788 examples of  secular  in sentences