1329 examples of seemingly in sentences

Even in Germany there are dreadful discontents in view of the imperialism which Bismarck, by the force of successful wars, has seemingly revived.

Although Watson thus seemingly deserted his post, it was with a perfect understanding with his real employers.

In the nights, the changes were greatest, often placing the schooners leagues asunder, and seemingly separating them altogether.

Captain Gardiner sprang out of his cabin, seemingly at a single bound; at another, he was in the whale-boat that Hazard was in the very act of lowering into the water, as the schooner rounded-to.

He was in the act of placing a foot on the ratlin below him, to descend to the deck, when he half-unconsciously turned to take a last glance at this distant and seemingly immovable object.

Two seemingly opposite factorslimiting and qualifying the one the otherdetermined the course and topics of his life.

After the magnificent work done by Ruskin in art up to his fortieth year, that he should turn, for practically the remainder of his life, to the seemingly vain and profitless task of a social reformer and regenerator of modern society, has to most men been a riddle too elusive and enigmatic to solve.

The place was, as Jo had promised, seemingly made for them to camp in.

" "You never did?" "No; what are they like?" The question was asked seemingly in the most innocent manner, but the keen-witted Desmond's suspicions were at once aroused, and on the instant he made a curious discovery.

On Saturday he was better again, and when the Duke saw him, seemingly very well, quite alivein very good humour with everybody, and quite without nervousness.

As the world confronts the impact of globalism, newly revitalised threats of fundamentalism, and the emergence of seemingly irreconcilable value systems, it is incumbent upon us to generate a new reason to believe that living interdependently is not only possible, but preferable to the competitive individualism, ethnocentrism, nationalism and particularism that have characterised so much of late 20th century thinking and culture.

Television programming communicates through stories and it influences us through its seemingly magical capabilities.

Online communities sprung up seemingly from nowhere.

Although the terrorist attacks on the United States can find their roots, at least partially, in a legacy of misguided American foreign and energy policy decisions, they have also increased our awareness of a great chasm between peoples with seemingly irreconcilable stories about the world and humankind's role within it.

The reassuring self-similarity of these seemingly random graphs of non-linear equations, evoked the shapes of nature.

" As they stood close together, John holding the candle high over Carlen's head, she bending over the tangled yarn, the kitchen door opened suddenly, and their father came in, bringing with him a stranger,a young man seemingly about twenty-five years of age, tall, well made, handsome, but with a face so melancholy that both John and Carlen felt a shiver as they looked upon it.

The dumbness of unutterable astonishment fell on the whole party at these words; but in another second, rallying from the shock; they knelt around the seemingly lifeless woman, trying to arouse her.

In approaching Jacksonville by rail, the traveler rides hour after hour through seemingly endless pine barrens, otherwise known as low pine-woods and flat-woods, till he wearies of the sight.

I had seen him a moment before, and saw him again half a minute later, but at that instant he was out of sight in the scrub, and seemingly on the ground.

The frog that kept leaping in brave but seemingly hopeless endeavor at last churned the milk, mounted the butter for a final effort, and escaped.

He has just come through his first fight, seemingly with some credit to himself; and he is proud of the part he has played and is pleased to talk about it.

Skirrl, on July 17 was evidently hungry and eager to locate food, but seemingly unable to select the right box.

Lesbia entered Seraphine's Louis-seize drawing-room with a faint expectation of unpleasantness; but after a little whispering between Lady Kirkbank and the dressmaker, the latter came to Lesbia smiling graciously, and seemingly full of eagerness for new orders.

In a long train, and that not every where connected, melancholy, and seemingly subdued, they proceeded towards the enemy, whose hopes and courage, were not more steady than theirs.

Numerous passages have been cancelled, seemingly (for the most part) by the hand of some reviser.

1329 examples of  seemingly  in sentences