200 examples of seemlier in sentences

As that last word fell so softly, yet with such tender suggestion, a sensation of sympathy passed between us for the first time; and I knew, from the purity of her look and the fearlessness of this covert appeal to one she could not address openly, that the doubts I had cherished of her up to this very moment were an outrage and that were it possible or seemly, I should be bowed down in the dust at her feetin reality, as I was in spirit.

It must be not admitted that the Christians, which either goe or come to mariages, leape or daunse, but that chastlye & soberly they sup or dyne, and as it is seemly and conuenient for christians.

Let him be moderate, gentle, and seemly.

Then said merry Robin, "I thank thee, on the bride's part, for thy handsome gift, and truly thou thyself art more seemly without it.

"Halloa, good friend," quoth Robin, from beneath the hedge, when the other had gotten nigh enough, "whither away so merrily this bright day?" Hearing himself so called upon, the Cobbler stopped, and, seeing a well- clad stranger in blue, he spoke to him in seemly wise.

And when he joined the brave and stalwart ranks, Like Saul amid his brethren he stood, Braver and seemlier than all his peers, And nobly did he battle for the right.

Even in our own case (upon any disastrous occurrence to ourselves), it would not be seemly to frolic it thus; it would signify want of due regard to the frowns of God, and the strokes of His hand; it would cross the wise man's advice, "In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider.

" "Would it be seemly?"

The Senate hath its reasons which lie beyond the reach of the ignorant, but it would have been better for the soul of the poor youth, and more seemly for the Republic, had it turned a discouraging countenance on his deeds from the first.

The soil that erst so seemly was to seen, Was all despoiled of her beauteous hew, And soote fresh flowers wherewith the summers queen, Had clad the earth, new Boreas blasts down blew And small fowls flocking in their songs did rew The winter's wrath, wherewith each thing defaste, In woeful wise bewailed the summer past.

They commonly take out a bone from the tails of their horses, to prevent them from being able to lash them from side to side, as they esteem it more seemly for the tails to hang down.

So well they shifted, that the Ape anon Himselfe had cloathed like a gentleman, 660 And the slie Foxe as like to be his groome; That to the court in seemly sort they come.

I do not yet know what the other Ministers' wives are going to do, but I do know that I think Milton quite right in saying: "The wife, where danger or dishonour lurks, Safest and seemliest by her husband bides.

Perhaps because in a certain imperiousness and hardness of character they were somewhat alike, their differences, though only on rare occasions culminating in a battle royal, smouldered perpetually, breaking out, more often than was seemly, in brisk skirmish and rapid passage of arms.

We must be on our guard against taking our own instincts of what is best and most seemly, as a criterion for the rest of mankind.

"Not rustic, as before, but seemlier clad." P. Reg., B. ii, l. 299. -"Whereof to thee anon Plainlier shall be reveal'd.

"Honour is not seemly for a fool.

"The wife, where danger or dishonour lurks, Safest and seemliest by her husband stays."Milton, P. L., ix, 267.

Miss Beecham considered it would have been more seemly for her nephew to have selected a little boy as a play-thing, but his sentiments regarding boys were that they were machines invented for the torment of adults.

Safest and seemliest!

But because he started the whole thing it is seemly to give his exit an intercalary page of attention.

suggest the question whether those who use them are ready to be taken at their word and to have back that Supremacy as it was; and whether the examples of policy of that reign are seemly to quote as adequate measures of the liberty and rights of any set of Englishmen.

Thus while he spake, the peers with seemly state. Led by their king, the illustrious stranger wait; Proud Carduel's palace hail'd its princely guest, And thus the dame the assembled court address'd. 'List, king, and barons!Arthur, I have lov'd A knight most loyal in thy service prov'd; Him, by thy foul neglect, reduc'd to need, These hands did recompense; they did thy deed.

MURTAGH COSGAR You will be going to the fair, if it was only to be showing that, seemly face of yours.

After all it was not seemly that the likes of him should be dictating to the likes of her.

200 examples of  seemlier  in sentences