150 examples of self-conceits in sentences

"'Love suffereth long,' that does away with impatience; 'and is kind,' that makes us neighborly; 'love envieth not,' that saves from covetousness; 'vaunteth not itself,' that does away with self-conceit; 'seeketh not its own,' that kills selfishness; 'is not provoked,' that shows we are forgiving; 'rejoiceth not in unrighteousness,' makes us love only what is pure; 'covereth [Footnote: Marginal rendering.]

For our assurance will surely be too great, unreasonable, built upon the sand, if it be built on mere self-conceit of our own orthodoxy, and our own privileges, or our own special connection with God.

Whatsoever thoughts or feelings tempt us to pride and self-conceit are of the devil, not of God.

Now, is not this self-conceit?

His morbid vanitythat brawl-begotten child of struggling self-conceit and self-disgustwas vanishing away; and as Mr. Tennyson says in one of those priceless idyls of his, before which the shade of Theocritus must hide his diminished head, 'He was altered, and began To move about the house with joy, And with the certain step of man.'

Not the sincerity that calls itself sincere; that is ... oftenest self-conceit mainly.

This self-conceit of his, meanwhile, is apt to make him unruly, and the cause of unruliness in others when he emigrates.

Blessed with superabundant self-conceit, which went so far as to cause him to spend hours a day having his unusually light-coloured hair dressed at the barber's and his face salved and puffed at the apothecary's to conceal his muddy complexion, he was reckoned, in the Mercato Nuovo, as little better than an ill-conditioned braggadoccio!

Secondly, if especial attention were paid to all men who had produced, or aided in producing, any great revolution in the Taste or opinions of an age, as Petrarch, Ulrich von Hutten, etc. (here I will dare risk the charge of self-conceit by referring to my own parallel of Voltaire and Erasmus, of Luther and Rousseau in the seventh number of "The Friend ").

Full oft is self-conceit and blindness!

There are therefore two loves belonging to a man, whereof one, which is prior, is the love of growing wise; and the other, which is posterior, is the love of wisdom: but this latter love if it remains with man, is an evil love, and is called self-conceit, or the love of his own intelligence.

I know that it will sound like the most pitiable degree of self-conceit.

Save me now out of my sin, and darkness, and self-conceit.

And the greater missionary tells us that he knew why that weight was appointed him to carry; and that he felt he needed it all to save him from a strong tendency to undue self-conceit.

Perhaps it took out your self-conceit, and made you humble.

In others of these newspaper comments there was that unmistakable superciliousness, that goading contemptuousness of self-conceit and puffy disdain, which John Bull visits on all "un-English" things, especially when they happen under their unfortunate aspects.

But a worse snare than even that is pride and self-conceit.

That may seem a strange saying, considering that self-conceit is the vice of all others to which man is most given; the first sin, and the last sin, and that which is said to be the most difficult to cure.

at a man should assume that his life is worth the venture of a record in the form of an autobiography suggests a degree of self-conceit of which I am not guilty.

And this his judgment once made known, Self-love and self-conceit's so strong, He'll rather let me die than own That his opinion could be wrong.

He declares he can sooner pardon crimes, because they proceed from the passions, than these minor vices, that spring from egotism and self-conceit.

The Gentlemen of Port-Royal, who were more eminent for their Learning and their Humility than any other in France, banish'd the way of speaking in the First Person out of all their Works, as arising from Vain-Glory and Self-Conceit.

But really these silly sneers at woman's ability have lost their force, and are best met with a laugh at the stupendous 'male self-conceit' of the writer.

What ruined him was an intolerable self-conceit, which led him to believe that his own productions superseded those of other men.

They show that what led Wordsworth to write so much about himself was not self-conceit, but self-diffidence.

150 examples of  self-conceits  in sentences