11 examples of self-contents in sentences

There's a certain town in a Middle Western State, far better known than Delafield, rich, intelligent, highly self-content.

His hands were clasped o'er his breast, his spectacled eyes were fixed upwards, and judging by the expression of his mouth and the movement of his lips, he was endeavouring to put some pleasant, self-contented thoughts into words.

The self-content of the Laureate armed him, however, against every thrust.

In some cases, perhaps, it might be urged that Pepin has remained the more self-contented because he has not written everything he believed himself capable of.

Another sacred kiss on that white head, and Tom was away for London, with a fuller purse, and a more self-contented heart too, than he had known for many a year.

It is stately, but self-content.

And then one looks round and sees it instead as a frail organisation of the lame, the halt, and the blind, a tepid organisation of the satisfied, the bourgeois, the conventionally genteel, a helpless organisation of the ignorant, the half-witted, the stupid; an organisation full to the brim of cant, humbug, timid orthodoxy, unreality, self-content, and all kinds of Potterismand one doesn't see how it can overcome anything whatever.

While I could hug myself in vain conceits Of self-contented sainthoodinward raptures Celestial palmsand let ambition's gorge Taint heaven, as well as earth?

To this exhilarating self-content I can lay no claim.

" "'Through all the palm tree's leaves there went A tremor as of self-content.

But, if Cass found no material result from his treasure, it stimulated his lazy imagination, and, albeit a dangerous and seductive stimulant, at least lifted him out of the monotonous grooves of his half-careless, half-slovenly, but always self-contented camp life.

11 examples of  self-contents  in sentences