43 examples of self-contradiction in sentences

"To assert this were self-contradiction, and pride inflated to madness.

It would not be hard to quote the utterances of saints and ascetics for either view; or to convict individual authorities of seeming self-contradiction in the matter.

Cooper replied in the Democratic Review for January, 1840, and by a masterly analysis of his statements, convicting James of self-contradiction in almost every particular in which he differed from himself, refuted both James and the reviewer.

I might have wandered by the Strymon under Philip and Alexander without throwing any new light on method or organising the sum of human knowledge; on the other hand, I might have objected to Aristotle as too much of a systematiser, and have preferred the freedom of a little self-contradiction as offering more chances of truth.

But if you did not notice Volvox's self-contradiction you would not see the point," added Vorticella, with rather a chilling intonation.

But upon far more subjects than this Pope was habitually false to the quality of his thoughts, always insincere, never by any accident in earnest, and consequently many times caught in ruinous self-contradiction.

Here is self-contradiction indefinitely extended in an other way.



What says Note 7th of self-contradiction?

Chandler, in his improved grammar of 1847, has not failed to repeat the substance of all this absurdity and self-contradiction, carefully dressing it up in other language, thus: "Verses composed of single Anapæsts are frequently found in stanzas of songs; and the same is true of several of the other kinds of feet; but we may consider the first [i.e., shortest] form of anapæstic verse as consisting of two Anapæsts.


diction Self-contradiction, Crit.

Self-contradiction is the only wrong.

For him there was no fault so important as self-contradiction, no science so significant as the reconciliation of "interests."

But the only meaning of the lectures is to point out more forcibly than ever that besides the obvious riddles of man's life there is one stranger and more appalling stillthat a religion which M. Renan can never speak of without admiration and enthusiasm is based on a self-contradiction and deluding falsehood, more dreadful in its moral inconsistencies than the grave.

But in his hands this quickly develops into contradiction of them, and finally, reflected back upon itself, into self-contradiction; and the immanent self-contradictoriness of all finite concepts thenceforth becomes the propulsive logical force that moves the world.

The charges of self-contradiction, where they do not rest on purely verbal reasoning, rest on a vicious intellectualism.

The advocates of the absolute assure us that any distributive form of being is infected and undermined by self-contradiction.

We should also have to deny Fechner's 'earth-soul' and all other superhuman collections of experience of every grade, so far at least as these are held to be compounded of our simpler souls in the way which Fechner believed in; and we should have to make all these denials in the name of the incorruptible logic of self-identity, teaching us that to call a thing and its other the same is to commit the crime of self-contradiction.

Somewhere there must be an aspect of it guiltless of self-contradiction.

He complained that Anti-Trinitarians unjustly charged Trinitarians with self-contradiction.

When he fancies he can elicit this and that, by his own logic, out of sentences and clauses torn from their context, he has no right to disguise what I have said to the contrary, and claim to justify his fraud by accusing me of self-contradiction.

The essence of the comic is self-contradiction, contrast.

The critic who admits the jar, but continues to appreciate, must present, to the true enthusiast, a spectacle of curious self-contradiction.

43 examples of  self-contradiction  in sentences