23 examples of self-deceiving in sentences

There remains a chanceand the Church dare not risk too great a chancethat he is mistaken, impious, presumptuous, or self-deceived.

No: I don't believe you're intentionally hypocritical, or self-deceived, either."

And, further, if Moses was not inspired directly from God to write his code, then it follows that hea man pre-eminent for wisdom, piety, and knowledgewas an impostor, or at least, like Mohammed and George Fox, a self-deceived and visionary man, since he himself affirms his divine legation, and traces to the direct agency of Jehovah not merely his code, but even the various deliverances of the Israelites.

Others Self-Deceived concerning Us.

Others are self-deceived with reference to us in many things, beyond our responsibility or knowledge.

He conceals facts, with the result that many a man is self-deceived, in his ignorance, as to the size of the stars, and the cause of eclipses, and the processes of nature, and the consequences of conduct, in many an important particular.

Elsley need not be blamed for pitying her; only for holding, with most of our poets, a vague notion that her woes were to be cured by a hair of the dog who bit her; viz., by homoeopathic doses of that same "art" which has been all along her morbid and self-deceiving substitute for virtue and industry.

Since then she had passed from the twilight of little society shams and convenient, conventional self-deceivings into the glory where only Truth was visible or audible.

Else he was self-deceived; and what if the blind should strive to lead the blind?

The mood he deemed unfavorable for his special word,poor, deceived, self-deceiving Mazurier!

How far the French Emperor was self-deceived, and to what extent he believed in the practicability of the arrangements made at Villafranca and Zurich, are inscrutable mysteries.

They were self-deceived.

Her new understanding of the satire back of her mother's quiet eyes, lent to Aunt Victoria's golden calm the quaint touch of caricature which made it self-deceived complacency.

You are merely lying,you are not even self-deceived.

'You are self-deceived, Miller; your prejudice has warped your judgment.

At length she grew calm, but it was the fearful calmness of despair; she complained notreproached not; for she felt that she had been self-deceived; she could not, however, conceal the devastation which sorrow was making in her graceful form.

He grinds hearts to powder, that they may be broken and contrite before him: but only that he may heal them; that out of the broken fragments of the hard, proud, self-deceiving heart of stone, he may create a new and harder heart of flesh, human and gentle, humble and simple.

* CONCERNING HIMSELF "Christ either deceived mankind by conscious fraud, or He was Himself deluded and self-deceived, or He was Divine.

Yet it could not be that He was self-deceived.

It was a pleasant dream, and one in which the self-deceived Regent was eagerly encouraged by those around her.

"He that has willed to look upon Queen Freydis does not dread to consort with serpents nor with swine; he faces the mirror wherein a man beholds himself without self-deceiving; he views the blood that drips from his soiled hands, and knows that this, too, was needed: yet these endurings purchase but one hour.

And he, too, knew too much of the better side of English religious life to justify the fierce invective and sarcasm with which he assailed for a time the English Church as a mere system of comfortable and self-deceiving worldliness.

"I believe, if the story about him be true, that he was a well-meaning man, enormously self-deceived.

23 examples of  self-deceiving  in sentences