70 examples of self-expression in sentences

It brings cares & anxieties enough any way, without starting out with poverty to increase and render deeper every trouble...." Such was the tenor of Agatha's last letter, of the last self-expression of that effigy upstairs who (you could see) knew everything and was not discontent.

For spontaneous response to environment is self-expression, and out of self-expression comes selfhood, consciousness of self.

Self-expression and creativeness were still only theories.

The clerk who only operates an adding machine has little opportunity for self-expression.

His work is self-expression.

And lastly the Spirit must be Joy, because, working on these lines, it cannot do otherwise than find pleasure in the Self-expression which its works afford it, and in the contemplation of the limitlessness of the Creative Process by which each realized stage of evolution, however excellent, is still the stepping-stone to something yet more excellent, and so on in everlasting progression.

The process of "knocking spirit" into a boy would seem to be inconsistent with educational logic, but by very different methods, Gilbert had certainly given Cyril a trifling belief in himself, and Mother Carey was gradually winning him to some sort of self-expression by the warmth of her frequent welcomes and the delightful faculty she possessed of making him feel at ease.

I am not saying, mind you, that had the opportunity presented itself of dropping a wet sponge on Tuppy from some high spot or of putting an eel in his bed or finding some other form of self-expression of a like nature, I would not have embraced it eagerly; but that let me out.

She looked like a tomato struggling for self-expression.

But the case of my companion in the train is the case of thousands and tens of thousands of young fellows who for the first time in their lives want to write and discover that they have no gift of self-expression.

Art, to him, is simply self-expression.

In point of sheer self-expression, a child's scrabblings with a box of crayons may deserve to rank with the most masterly canvas of Velasquez or Vermeer.

They are extremely vivid: they are projected with enormous energy, in actions whose violence affords scope for the most vehement self-expression; but are they not, in reality, colossally simple rather than complex?

Let them study and master these problems: Are boys and girls being given ample opportunity for spiritual self-expression?

She already announced the title of her first article, which was very grand: "Dress as a form of self-expression.

You and I togetherwe'll learn a lot.' 'Oh, I'm going in for confused self-expression.

A new paper had been started; another paper had died; some one they knew had deserted from one literary côterie to another; some one else had turned from a dowdy into a nut; Jane had been seeing a lot of bad plays; her novel'my confused mass of self-expression,' she called it to himwas coming out next week.

She had never admired and loved Sylvia more, and being a person adept in self-expression, she saturated her next speech with her admiration and affection.

Essentially this presentation must involve an element of self-expression must partake quite as much of the nature of art as of science.

But the thinking and feeling subject, meanwhile, had undergone a change so all-important that it now imperatively required fresh channels for its self-expression.

In each he has shown that this complete self-expression is achieved at the expense of all other possible selves, and that herein lies the tragedy of the ideal.

This art, erstwhile so baffling, stands revealed as the struggle of a superhuman entity for self-expression.

The centralizing of political power in the hands of Louis XIV. of France and his successors had been accompanied by a "standardizing" of human affairs which favored practical efficiency and the easier running of the social machine, but which was far from helpful to the self-expression of distinctly-marked individuals.

Individual differences of perceptive power in comprehending what is seen, and of narrative skill, or in the plastic and pictorial arts of manual dexterity, import this personal element into all artistic works, the more in proportion to the originality of the maker and the fulness of his self-expression.

He was, to use his own phrase, an "unfrocked romanticist"at once a brilliant representative of the poetry of self-expression and personal caprice, and an exemplar and prophet of a new ideal, the "holy alliance of poetry with the cause of the nations.

70 examples of  self-expression  in sentences