13 examples of self-realisation in sentences

We cannot cite another hero of the modern world who more fully and with greater intensity realised the main end of human life, which is self-effectuation, self-realisation, self-manifestation in one of the many lines of labour to which men may be called and chosen.

Nikhil is the apostle of "self-realisation" as a moral force; Sandip believes in grabbing whatever you can.

The single word 'self-realisation' has been taken to express the view of the moral ideal enforced by Green.

But it is clear that, in every action whatever of a conscious being, self-realisation may be said to be the end: some capacity is being developed, satisfaction is being sought for some desire.

So far as the word 'self-realisation' can be made to cover such different activities, it is void of moral content and cannot express the nature of the moral ideal.

Goodness thus will be confined to the realm of ends, or of self-realisation.

When he goes on to discuss goodness in the narrower sense, in which it belongs to the results of finite volition, he adopts, as expressing the nature of goodness, that conception of 'self-realisation' which, as put forward by Green, has been found inadequate.

He has something of much greater interest to say regarding the nature of the self-realisation in which goodness is made to consist; and upon it he lays stress, "solely with a view to bring out the radical vice of all goodness."

Goodness, it is said, is self-realisation; and Realityit was assumed at the outsetis harmonious and all-comprehensive.

These last characters are also criteria of degrees of reality, and consequently of degrees of self-realisation.

It is not altruism or social activity which is the opponent of self-assertion or egoism, but self-sacrifice; and both self-assertion and self-sacrifice are kinds of self-realisation: in the former the self seeks its realisation by perfecting its harmony; in the latter, by increasing its extent.

It is not in content that the two modes of self-realisation differ: social factors, for instance, may enter into both; it is in the diverse uses made of the contents: 'system' is aimed at in the one; 'width' in the other.

Self-realisation, 90 ff., 113 ff. Self-sacrifice, 116 ff. Selfishness, suppression of, 136.

13 examples of  self-realisation  in sentences