122 examples of semicolons in sentences

Any editorial office force can insert missing commas and semicolons, and iron out blunders in the English; but it has not the time, if indeed the ability, to instil life into a lifeless manuscript.

[U.S.]. dead stop, dead stand, dead lock; finis, cerrado [Sp.]; blowout, burnout, meltdown, disintegration; comma, colon, semicolon, period, full stop; end &c 67; death &c 360.

The semicolon after "sorrow" should have come at the end of the line instead of in the middle.

Of these ten, three are for punctuation,the substitution of a period for a semicolon, the introduction of three commas, and the substitution of an interrogation point for a comma; the punctuation being of not the slightest service in either case, as the sense is as clear as noonday in all.

To one who has enjoyed the full life of any scene, of any hour, what thoughts can be recorded about it, seem like the commas and semicolons in the paragraph, mere stops.

The Semicolon; its 3 Rules Errors concerning the Semicolon Mixed Examples of Error Section III.

The Semicolon; its 3 Rules Errors concerning the Semicolon Mixed Examples of Error Section III.

The Semicolon; Corrections under its 8 Rules Mixed Examples Corrected Section III.

Commas, semicolons, and the like, represent silence, rather than sounds, and are therefore not letters.

Here a ready writer would be very apt to prefer one of the following phrases: "When a semicolon or two have preceded,""When one or two semicolons have preceded,""When one or more semicolons have preceded."

Here a ready writer would be very apt to prefer one of the following phrases: "When a semicolon or two have preceded,""When one or two semicolons have preceded,""When one or more semicolons have preceded."

They might be separated by commas, if semicolons were put where the commas now are. OBS.

These critics, whenever they have occasion to copy such authors as Milton and Pope, do not scruple to mutilate their punctuation by putting semicolons or periods for all the colons they find.

"One of the greatest improvements in punctuation," says Justin Brenan, "is the rejection of the eternal semicolons of our ancestors.

In some books, these commandments are mostly or wholly divided by periods; in others, by colons; in others, by semicolons; in others, as above, by commas.

This is here given as present advice, referring to the commandments, but not actually quoting them; and, in this view of the matter, semicolons, not followed by capitals may be right.

Therefore, the first of these should be simply expunged; the second, third, and fourth, with their commas, should be changed to semicolons; and the last, with its semicolon, may well be made a colon.]

N. respecting Self-naming letters Semicolon, point for what purpose used from what takes its name when adopted in England is useful and necessary, though discarded by some late grammarians Rules for the use of Semivowel, defined Semivowels named; nature of w and y; sound of certain, as aspirates Sense and construc.

Hiley says, "Those parts of a sentence which are separated by commas, are called clauses; and those separated by semicolons, are called members.

According to his Rule, this tense requires six semicolons; but the author points it with two commas and two notes of interrogation!

Murray, who broke this passage into paragraphs, retained at first these semicolons, but afterwards changed them all to colons.

When the members of a compound sentence are long or are not closely connected, semicolons should be used to separate them.

2. When the members of a compound sentence themselves contain commas, they should be separated from one another by semicolons.

When a series of distinct statements all have a common dependence on what precedes or follows them, they may be separated from each other by semicolons.

2. The colon is used to separate the different members of a compound sentence, when they themselves are divided by semicolons.

122 examples of  semicolons  in sentences