693 examples of seminaries in sentences

Seven large public schools are in full activity, besides numbers of private seminaries of instruction.

In our age books, universities, theological seminaries, the press, councils, and an enlightened clergy can see that no harm comes to the great republic which recognizes Christ as the invisible head.

And these seminaries would produce a still greater number of inestimable scholars hereafter if sordidness did not obscure the splendid light, corruption interrupt, and certain truckling harpies and beggars envy them their usefulness.

In a government happily without the other opportunities seminaries where the elementary principles of the art of war can be taught without actual war, and without the expense of extensive and standing armies, have the precious advantage of uniting an essential preparation against external danger with a scrupulous regard to internal safety.

Nor can the occasion fail to remind you of the importance of those military seminaries which in every event will form a valuable and frugal part of our military establishment.

On the contrary, the Greeks seemed more inclined to Publick Schools and Seminaries.

The German professors, however, are not confined to their respective departments, as is the case in our American seminaries, but may deliver lectures on any other branch, as far as it does not interfere with their immediate duties.

Gymnastic exercises are as yet but very sparingly introduced into our seminaries, primary or professional, though a great change is already beginning.

A child of immense animal activity and unlimited observing faculties, personally acquainted with every man, child, horse, dog, in the township,intimate in the families of oriole and grasshopper, pickerel and turtle,quick of hand and eye,in short, born for practical leadership and victory,such a boy finds no provision for him in most of our seminaries, and must, by his constitution, be either truant or torment.

Marriages are the seminaries of the human race, and thence also the seminaries of the heavenly kingdom, 481.

Marriages are the seminaries of the human race, and thence also the seminaries of the heavenly kingdom, 481.

If this be the doctrine which prevails at certain theological seminaries, it must be easy to account for the spirit which they breathe, and the general influence which they exert.

If this be the doctrine which prevails at certain theological seminaries, it must be easy to account for the spirit which they breathe, and the general influence which they exert.

The circumstances under which this school was founded, and the rank it has attained among our classical seminaries, may probably be interesting to the reader.

In addition to these schools, there are four colleges, three theological seminaries, and two medical schools.

The pro-slavery re-action in this way, on the seminaries of the North, and on the literature of the United States, is most sensibly felt.

The employment of soldiers to teach young ladies how to walk, which, we are sorry to say, is a practice adopted by many parents and heads of seminaries, is much to be deprecated.

He speaks of the boarding schools in Philadelphia, and is anxious that full and careful inquiry be made with a view to securing proper advantages in the education of his niece, but to be made in a way not to give any expectation of a preference between rival seminaries, as he had come to no decision in regard to his niece.

Believe me, no one enters on this career without a vocation; many are entered in the seminaries against their will, but no one can make a soldier by force; anyone who comes to the academy has the longing in himself.

"You are all deceiving yourselves, like those poor youths who enter the seminaries, believing that a mitre awaits them or a fat benefice on the other side of the door.

In the Jesuit seminaries in Germany, in Italy too, and elsewhere, as the Reformation came on, I find the boys were acting plays.

But it was at the University of Strassburg, even at the time when the unsmiling Calvin was seeking asylum there, that the dramatic life of the German seminaries found a splendid culmination.

It was only in the seminaries that art was preserved from utter decay.

Before the sixteenth century we may find traces of dramatic vitality among the great English seminaries; but if the supposition of Huber, in his account of English universities, is correct, the real founder of the college drama in England was a character no less dignified than its founder in Germany.

The strictest form of Puritanism stamped itself too powerfully upon our New England institutions at their foundation, and has affected too deeply the newer seminaries elsewhere in the country, to make it possible that the drama should be anything but an outlaw here.

693 examples of  seminaries  in sentences