5 examples of sensorial in sentences

Whenever vertigo recurs frequently, and at an advanced period of life; and more particularly when it is accompanied with drowsiness; weakness of the voluntary muscles; impaired memory, or judgment; or, in short, any other disturbance or imperfection in the state of the sensorial functions; an unfavourable result is to be expected; because all these afford decisive evidence of a considerable degree and extent of disease in the brainDr.

Already he sat there, shivering and sweating, with the load on his breast growing laborsome, with all his sensorial being absolutely at keenest edge.

But I was not permitted to be left to sensorial dreams.

The day had been singularly rich in exciting thrills and sensorial perceptions.

He told himself that he was the play-thing of sensorial illusions and that he was incapable of reacting.

5 examples of  sensorial  in sentences