Do we say sequence or sequents

sequence 508 occurrences

But a brutal sequence of events in 1914 showed themif they had not been convinced during the preceding three yearsthat they had drawn false conclusions from their observations.

There is nothing to prove that these four sonnets on Night were composed in sequence.

In the present volume I have endeavored to set before the reader the conception of a sequence of creative action commencing with the formation of the globe and culminating in a vista of infinite possibilities attainable by every one who follows up the right line for their unfoldment.

This is a big thing, and if it is possible at all it must be by some sequence of cause and effect, and this sequence it is our object to discover.

This is a big thing, and if it is possible at all it must be by some sequence of cause and effect, and this sequence it is our object to discover.

What we are in search of, then, is a sequence of cause and effect so universal in its nature as to include harmoniously all possible variations of individual expression.

This primary necessity of the Law for which we are seeking should be carefully borne in mind, for it is obvious that any sequence which transgresses this primary essential must be contrary to the very nature of the Law itself, and consequently cannot be conducting us to the exercise of true creative power.

Before we pursue further the sequence of events, two passages from the diary may be here transcribed, which could not have been inserted in the order of time without interrupting the narrative.

" But a hooped skirt with a history, touching and teaching, is no theme for flippancy; so, by your leave, I will unwind my story tenderly, and with reverential regard for its smooth turns of sequence.

'That's the objection to them,' answered the beauty with more sarcasm than grammatical sequence.

Wars and devastations and untold calamities and brutal forces were the natural sequence of barbaric invasions, and of the progressive fall of the old civilization, continued from generation to generation for a period of two or three hundred years, with scarcely any interruption.

Bellman's songs generally form a sequence, a continuous chain of lyrical romance.

Free as he thought himself from superstition, the dream made an uncomfortable impression on him, though he admitted that it was the natural sequence of his waking thoughts.

He saw the oppression they had combated now humbled and overthrown; and he forms the third in a sequence of family renown, the most surprising and the least checkered afforded by the annals of Europe.

So in a single square several plays would be presented in rapid sequence to the same audience.

These may have been the sequence of agitations and wars, but not their animating cause,like the ideas of Rousseau on the French revolutionists.

It simply was the sequence of the revolution, of the appeal of both parties to the sword.

The second revolution of 1688 was the logical sequence of the first.

The gravest charge against them is that they "unknit the sequence of moral cause and effect."

Anything, to make the perspective, the sequence of that seem natural.

Nay, most people write only as though they were playing dominoes; and, as in this game, the pieces are arranged half by design, half by chance, so it is with the sequence and connection of their sentences.

It is his other great work, the sequence of sonnets entitled Astrophel and Stella, which concerns us here.

He analyses the sequence of his feelings with a vividness and minuteness which assure us of their truth.

" and earlier in the sequence "I now have learned love right and learned even so

Let any one who wishes to gauge the sincerity of the impulse of the Stella sequence compare any of the poems in it with those in the romance.

sequents 0 occurrences

Do we say   sequence   or  sequents