155 examples of seraglio in sentences

" With the following extract from a letter written by Lady Mary from Florence in 1740 this unpleasing incident may be dismissed: "The word malignity, and a passage in your letter, call to my mind the wicked wasp of Twickenham: his lies affect me now no more; they will be all as much despised as the story of the seraglio and the handkerchief, of which I am persuaded he was the only inventor.

She had put off her outer costume of white linen and stood dressed for the house, the seraglio.

The Scene Solyman's Seraglio.

And what appeared most important, each would be master of an entire seraglio, like a Sultan, &c. I find very great difficulty in crediting these black charges on Cerinthus, and know not how to reconcile them with the fact that the Apocalypse itself was by many attributed to Cerinthus.

X.Johnson's "Seraglio" A circumstance which could not fail to be very pleasing to Johnson occurred in 1777.

Unfortunately his "Seraglio," as he sometimes suffered me to call his group of females, were perpetually jarring with one another.

[of the seraglio] to shoot arrows, and play at chaugan, [309] so that the horsemanship and dexterity of every individual might be displayed.

After a watch of the night had passed, the gate of the seraglio opened, and the princess came out dressed in soiled and dirty clothes, with a casket of jewels in her hand; she delivered the casket to me, and went along with me.

One night I entered the king's seraglio by a trick, and searched for her, but got no intelligence.

Also let them take care that, except this honoured [Musalman], no one be permitted to enter the [governor's] seraglio, and let them deliver over his money and effects [untouched to the new governor].

Then having ordered the agents, the treasurers, the superintendants and other officials to be seized, I took full possession of the records; and then I entered the seraglio.

I sent the woman into the seraglio to the princess, and called the man before me; I saw he was a youth of twenty or twenty-two years of age, whose beard and mustaches had commenced

I then ordered them to conduct the wazirzadi to the seraglio, and to take the wazir out of prison, bathe him in the bath, dress him in the khil'at of restoration to favour, [360] and bring him quickly before me.

I called all the merchants near me, and whatever rarities each had, we collected together, and those of my own I took also, and went in the morning to the door of the royal seraglio.

In the morning, I went again and presented myself [to wait on the princess], and entered the seraglio along with the confidential servant, and saw the same scene I had seen the day before.

The [princess's] confidential servant separated the princess from the prince, and conducted her to the seraglio.

At last, my strong desire carried me to the same [European] city [where the old statue-worshipper had been]; I wandered through its streets and lanes like a lunatic, and I often remained near the seraglio of the princess; but I could get no opportunity to have an introduction to her.

He ordered me to remain in the seraglio, and that I should not come out of it until I reached [the years of] manhood.

" The king looked towards Mubarak, and said, "Reconduct the prince to the seraglio, if God willing, after this year is over, I will deliver up my trust to him; let him make himself perfectly easy, and attend to his studies," Mubarak made his salam, and taking me along with him, reconducted me to the seraglio.

" The king looked towards Mubarak, and said, "Reconduct the prince to the seraglio, if God willing, after this year is over, I will deliver up my trust to him; let him make himself perfectly easy, and attend to his studies," Mubarak made his salam, and taking me along with him, reconducted me to the seraglio.

" This conversation was passing between the king Azad Bakht and the four Darweshes, when a eunuch came running from the royal seraglio and with respectful salutation, wished his majesty joy, and added, "This moment a prince is born, before whose refulgent beauty the sun and moon are abashed."

The eunuch replied, "Mahru, the female slave, who for some time hath lain under your majesty's displeasure, and lived like an outcast in a corner [of the seraglio], and no one from fear ever went near her or asked after her state; on her the grace of God hath been such, that she hath borne a son like the moon.

The king went to the seraglio, and took the young prince in his lap, and thanked God; his mind became easy; pressing the infant to his bosom, he brought it and laid it at the Darweshes' feet; they blessed it, and exorcised all evil spirits from approaching it.

Malik Shah Bal then ordered the men to the palace, and the women to the royal seraglio; the city was ordered to be illuminated, and the preparations for the marriages to be quickly completed; [all was instantly made ready], as if the order alone was wanted to be given.

The chor-mahall is a private seraglio.

155 examples of  seraglio  in sentences