15 examples of seria in sentences

[Cowper]; amoto quaeramus seria ludo

Seria te carmina, honorque aeternus annalium, non haec brevis et pudenda praedicatio colet.

3. quia impii florent boni opprimuntur, &c. alius ex consideratione hujus seria desperabundus.

serias bebedor á fuer de soldado... no se ha de decir que

Vita omnis scena est ludusque: aut ludere disce Seria seponens, aut mala dura pati.

I cannot say as much for the tragic singing in the Opéra seria at the Grand French Opera, which to my ear sounds a perfect psalmody.

It was 'seria mixta jocis,' but there was practical sense in the seemingly most frivolous part of the plan.

[Posthabui tamen illorum mea seria Ludo. Virg.

Et O si Sub rastro crepet argenti mihi seria dextro Hercule! pupillumve utinam, quem proximus hæres Impello, expungam!' Pers.

The first performance of the opera seria at Rome, in 1606, consisted of scenes in recitative and airs, exhibited in a cart during the carnival.

A FOREWORD "Amoto quoeramus seria ludo" To SINCLAIR LEWIS MY DEAR LEWIS: To you (whom I take to be as familiar with the Manuelian cycle of romance as is any person now alive) it has for some while appeared, I know, a not uncurious circumstance that in the Key to the Popular Tales of Poictesme there should have been included so little directly relative to Manuel himself.

nugæ seria ducunt In mala ...' Hor.

[Posthabui tamen illorum mea seria Ludo. Virg.

Et O si Sub rastro crepet argenti mihi seria dextro Hercule! pupillumve utinam, quem proximus hæres Impello, expungam!' Pers.

ya ve usted, la cosa es muy seria ... se trata de un lazo indisoluble, de la dicha o de la desgracia de toda la vida.... DON PEDRO.

15 examples of  seria  in sentences