13692 examples of settle in sentences

We listen to eloquent speaking, read books and write them, settle all the affairs of the universe.

It was agreed to settle it by an appeal to the mob.

" All the gentlemen fairies were so much elated by this that they began to brighten up, and settle their ruffs, and fall into graceful attitudes, and think of sparkling things to say; because every one of them knew, from the glance of her eyes in his direction, that he was one whose conversation was brilliant; every one knew there could be no mistake about its being himself that she meant.

It is not my province to settle that question.

It is impossible for us to settle whether or not his services overbalanced the evils of the imperialism he established and of the civil wars by which he reached supreme command.

It is not easy to settle in regard to the benefit that Caesar is supposed by someincluding Mr. Froude and the late Emperor of the Frenchto have rendered to the cause of civilization by overturning the aristocratic Constitution, and substituting, not the rule of the people, but that of a single man.

But whether or not we can settle with the light of modern knowledge such a point as this, I look upon the defence of imperialism in itself, in preference to constitutional government with all its imperfections, as an outrage on the whole progress of modern civilization, and on whatever remains of dignity and intelligence among the people.

And thus the question is one of physical strength and endurance; and women must settle for themselves whether they can run races with men in studies in which only the physically strong can hope to succeed.

The question for us to settle is, not whether George Eliot as a writer is immortal, but whether she has rendered services that her country and mankind will value.

After that I settle down for one week's hard work.

"In fact I always understood that he was somewhat of a scapegrace, and in consequence could never settle down to anything.

"I have been thinking the matter over, and not being able to determine the benefit of this hole-and-corner sort of game, I have made up my mind to settle it once and for all.

"Never-fear, we will do it," he answered confidently, and that seemed to settle it.

"Then come down soon to see me," I said, "and we will settle this question as to the existence of a hell.

I wonder my Lord of Canterbury is not once more all to be traitored, for dealing with the lions to settle the Commission of Array in the Tower.

He knows nearly all his ryots, and has a kind word for every one he passes; asks after their crops, their bullocks, or their land; rouses up the indolent; gives a cheerful nod to the industrious; orders this one to be brought in to settle his account, or that one to make greater haste with the preparation of his land, that he may not lose his moisture.

When the vat has been beaten, the coolies remove the froth and scum from the surface of the water, and then leave the contents to settle.

but it's as good a time as any to settle up.

What we want is to settle right down to it and think out a fine way to celebrate.

"I guess we better wait till we get out o' this neck o' woods before we settle down to making believe!"

They were entering a quaint, old-fashioned room, and at the further end on a hair-cloth settle lay a withered morsel of an old man.

Will settle on some new Doll dresses, and then bidding each other a kind good night they will return home to sleep.

" Don Teodoro produced a pair of silver spectacles as he reseated himself, and proceeded to settle them very carefully on his enormous nose.

Raymond was therefore little richer than before, and with the debts of honour of a troublesome younger brother to settle, and Saint Desert to keep up, his available income was actually reduced.

There would be more money to pay out, of coursesince the funds that could not be found for her just needs were apparently always forthcoming to settle Hubert's scandalous prodigalitiesand that meant a longer perspective of solitude at Saint Desert, and a fresh pretext for postponing the hospitalities that were to follow on their period of mourning.

13692 examples of  settle  in sentences