18 examples of shake head in sentences

Why mumble unintelligible things? What land, what tribe produced that shaking head? Declare it!

On recovering he was attacked with a furious and mute delirium, wherein he made continual efforts to jump out of bed, threatened, with a shaking head and angry countenance, those who attended him, and even all that were present; and he besides obstinately refused, though without speaking a word, all the remedies that were presented to him.

And I, whose slave am I, The shaken head, the arm that creepeth by, Staff-crutchèd, like to fall? TALTHYBIUS.

Sea-worn grandsires, cripple-bound, Hulks of old sailors run aground, Shook head, and fist, and hat, and cane, And cracked with curses the hoarse refrain: "Here's Flud Oirson, fur his horrd horrt, Torr'd an' futherr'd an' corr'd in a corrt By the women o' Morble'ead!" Sweetly along the Salem road Bloom of orchard and lilac showed.

Will you please let me in? MISS MOUSE (shaking head).

MISS MOUSE (shaking head).

DUCKLING (shaking head).

FAIRY (shaking head).

FIRST SAILOR (shaking head).

My poor shaken head cannot at present let me ask any dinner company; for two drinkings in a day, which must ensue, would incapacity me.

one cries with shaking head, "And she is yours, my man!"

Old grandfathers and grandmothers, who looked as though they had never left their native villages before, came hand in hand, with shaking heads and watery eyes, bewildered by all this turmoil of humanity which had been thrust out, like themselves, from its familiar ways of life.

To younger people they told the tale of it nowthe old familiar talewith shaking heads and trembling forefingers.

Old women, with shaking heads and trembling hands, raised shrill voices in the vain hope that they might hear an answering call from sons or daughters.

From the very poet you would disparageWordsworth. "Diamonds dart their brightest lustre From the palsy-shaken head.

Do not trust her, Nor the vows which she has made; Diamonds dart their brightest lustre From the palsy-shaken head.

" After awhile the old man came and bent over them both, taking Dolly's arm softly between his withered fingers, and looking down at it with a shaking head.

I pursued in sad soliloquy, with folded hands, and shaking head; and musing eyes fixed on the fire before me: "My God will not forsake me!" "Did the bad man hurt Mirry?"

18 examples of  shake head  in sentences