294 examples of shambling in sentences

Even the Acredale Monitor, a weekly sheet notoriously in the interest of Boone, felt constrained to copy parts of the account and publish with it a shambling retraction of previous criticism, based on imperfect knowledge, that it had printed concerning Sergeant Sprague.

There was another bear behind Paul, shambling toward him, unseen by him.

He was a tall, shambling youth, with a cast in his eye, not at all calculated to conciliate hostile prejudices.

He can be stiff and upright like a drilled soldier, or loose-jointed and shambling like a tramp.

"How long D 21 stood at that particular corner he could not exactly say, but he thinks it must have been three or four minutes before he noticed a suspicious-looking individual shambling along under the shadow of the garden walls.

He felt for his bunch of keys, and made his way to the shed, Riglett shambling behind at an interval of two yards.

At six o'clock a bell tolled and the guard marched away, with his gang shambling after him.

He abruptly pushed him out of the room, and we heard his shambling steps going up the staircase.

Rudolf could hardly help a squeal of surprise at the sight of the yellow lion and the big shambling bear.

He went by Marianne at a reeling trot, his legs shambling weakly and his head drooping, a weary rag of horseflesh with his ears still gloomily flattened to his neck.

He was a shock-headed, shambling, awkward lad, with an uncommonly wide mouth, very red cheeks, a turned-up nose, and certainly the most comical expression of face I ever saw.

She stopped and cast a terrified glance about her, dumped the basket down on the cobbles, and resumed the shambling trot at increased speed.

Get out of here!" Alligator-eyes didn't wait for a second urging, nor stay to question his good luck, but went off in a shambling hurry.

"Now then, form a circle please!" Twenty six-foot, well-built specimens of manhood suddenly became shambling hulks.

But there are people in the villages of southern France who still recall that ungainly, shambling figure.

Within the shambling, ill-kept hotel, with its weather-stained exterior and its wind-twisted sign, the best room, paid for in advance and freshly dusted for the occasion, awaited an occupant.

He quailed; he cowered; he dropped his eyes; he acquired a stooping, shambling gait.

" In the first long street, certain forms he did meet, But scarce might behold their faces; From matted elf-locks eyes stared like an ox, And shambling were their paces!

" Dill nodded absently, and Billy took to singing his pet ditty; one must do something when one is covering the last mile of a journey toward a place full of all sorts of delightful possibilitiesand covering that mile at a shambling trot which is truly maddening.

Our poor hobby-horses are dragged out of the stable, and made to show their shambling paces before the mob of gentlemen who read with ease.

Half an hour after Merston's departure there came the shambling trot of another horse, and Piet Vreiboom, slouched like a sack in the saddle rode up and rolled off at the door.

As Mealy fastened his last button, he felt his father's finger under his collar, and his own feet shambling blindly over the pebbles, up the path, into the bushes; he heard the boys in the water laugh with the new boy, and thenstories differ.

[Illustration: He felt his father's finger under his collar and his own feet shambling.]

Haw-Haw waited until the door closed; then he wound his arms about his body, writhed in an ecstasy of silent laughter, and followed with long, shambling strides.

The hoofs ahead seemed to quicken into a shambling trot, that was all.

294 examples of  shambling  in sentences