34 examples of shamelessness in sentences

[-20-] "Yet some have attained such a height of shamelessness as to dare to say that he is not warring against the State and have credited you with so great folly as to think that they will persuade you to attend to their words rather than to his acts.

It is impossible for a person brought up in so great licentiousness and shamelessness to avoid defiling his entire life: and so from his private concerns he brought his lewdness and greed to bear upon public matters.

Had he not at that time acted contrary to your wishes, Caesar would never have found an excuse for the war and could not, in spite of all his shamelessness, have gathered a competent force in defiance of your resolutions; but he would have either voluntarily laid down his arms, or been brought to his senses unwillingly.

To such an extent were they filled with greed and shamelessness that one man asked from Caesar himself the property of Attia, Caesar's mother, who had died at the time and had been honored by a public burial.

When it is said, that the whole town of Boston is distressed for a misdemeanor of a few, we wonder at their shamelessness; for we know that the town of Boston and all the associated provinces, are now in rebellion to defend or justify the criminals.

"Do you mean to tell me thatthatWhy, you can't have the shamelessness to care for the man withoutuntil" She broke in upon his burst of indignation with a low, clear laugh, and there was no shame in her voice or eyes, as she said: "Would it be so shameful if I have?

Therefore, as we may expect it to happen with those who err in the greatest matters, we convert natural confidence (that is, according to nature) into audacity, desperation, rashness, shamelessness; and we convert natural caution and modesty into cowardice and meanness, which are full of fear and confusion.

And on the other hand contrary actions strengthen contrary characters: shamelessness strengthens the shameless man, faithlessness the faithless man, abusive words the abusive man, anger the man of an angry temper, and unequal receiving and giving make the avaricious man more avaricious.

Cowardice is a word of bad omen, and meanness of spirit, and sorrow, and grief, and shamelessness.

This Attico-Roman comedy, with its prostitution of body and soul usurping the name of loveequally immoral in shamelessness and in sentimentalitywith its offensive and unnatural generosity, with its uniform glorification of a life of debauchery, with its mixture of rustic coarseness and foreign refinement, was one continuous lesson of Romano-Hellenic demoralization, and was felt as such.

Yet, so long as petitions were judged by the whole House, there seemed no chance of the abuse being removed, the number of judges conferring the immunity of shamelessness on each individual.

Is it that, as every beautiful thing has its hideous antitype, this mutual shamelessness is the devil's ape of mutual confidence?

The common sense of mankind in all ages has condemned this sort of shamelessness, even more than it has insults to parental and social ties, and to all which raises man above the brute.

When was such wickedness ever heard of as existing upon earth? or such shamelessness?

He looked from Tom Ryfe's white face, staring over the badge and great-coat of a London cabman, to the sinking form of his wifeas he believedin the arms of her lover, clinging to him for protection, responding in utter shamelessness to his caresses and endearments.

At the end he adds, that although he knows one ought not to write about such matters, yet the man's "insolence and blackguardly shamelessness of speech" compel him to put his friend on his guard against such calumnies.

Flogging on the estates and in the town, were no less public than frequent, and there was an utter shamelessness often in the manner of its infliction.

How could I flaunt this bauble in His face Who hung there, naked, bleeding, all for me I felt it shamelessness to go so gay.

I said this the other day when I was shocked at the shamelessness of my son-in-law, who was furious at my going to Madrid to find the child.

"There is a shamelessness among many in both high and low life that calls for vehement protest.

Her beautifully formed bosom, covered only by the shirt, rose and fell in goddesslike shamelessness.

Dignity became a form of foolery and shamelessness, as if the very essence of a fool were not a lack of dignity.

Although he experienced no inclination for the state of grace, he felt a genuine sympathy for those souls immured in monasteries, persecuted by a vengeful society which can forgive neither the merited scorn with which it inspires them, nor the desire to expiate, to atone by long silences, for the ever growing shamelessness of its ridiculous or trifling gossipings.

But, thought Des Esseintes, this sickly shamelessness often obstructed the inventive sallies of the casuist.

But I have stolen all this, and I have profited by it, thanks to the shamelessness of the truth revealed.

34 examples of  shamelessness  in sentences