162 examples of shareholders in sentences

Now the shareholders were not numerous and the ships were small.

She said the shareholders' meeting would be soon and she expected you to give a bigger dividend; the Blue Funnel people had paid five per cent.

Do you expect to declare a better dividend at the shareholders' meeting?" "I do not.

Now, however, freights were very bad and the company was nearer the rocks than he hoped the shareholders knew.

I heard the E.P. line had a stormy meeting and the dissatisfied shareholders came near turning out the directors.

If all the steamship directors who might have used the shareholders' money to better advantage were called to account, I imagine a number of respectable gentlemen would find their occupation gone.

In fact, the two good runs ought to have made the disappointing balance sheet he must shortly submit to the shareholders look a little better.

But the shareholders must consider the difficulties we have had to struggle against.

"An enormous burden of detail is thus taken off the shareholders of the Munitions Minister."Liverpool

He told me there was going to be some difficulty with the Company, and, unless the independent shareholders formed a strong local committee to look after things, the trouble might be serious.

Nothing was left either for him or the principal shareholders.

" Besides the general prosperity of the operatives, the shareholders in the different corporations divide from eight to fifteen per cent, per annum on their capital.

It was now only too apparent that Skaggs and Wyckholme had wrought well in anticipation of a rebellion by the native shareholders.

If the bank makes a bad debt, it has to make it good to its depositors at the expense of its shareholders.

It is true, also, that crimes have been committed, as in the case of the Putumayo horrors, when the money of English shareholders has been invested in the exploitation of helpless natives, accompanied by circumstances of atrocious barbarity.

He created some fifteen hundred millions of new shares, promising his shareholders a dividend of twelve per cent.

Some large shareholders were already beginning to quietly realize their profits.

It gave no money to its shareholders, who derived their benefits only from a partial concession of the tobacco. revenues, granted by the king to the Company, but its directors lived a life of magnificence in the East, where they were authorized to trade on their own account.

Otherwise it is like a joint-stock company all shareholders and no treasurer or director.

The world, even including the shareholders, hears but little, if anything, of the progress of the work for months, perhaps for a year.

And a pretty hubbub we created; we asked for money, and it came pouring in; we registered the girls to receive strike pay, wrote articles, roused the clubs, held public meetings, got Mr. Bradlaugh to ask questions in Parliament, stirred up constituencies in which shareholders were members, till the whole country rang with the struggle.

dividend to the shareholders are handed over to the municipality.

LIMITED LIABILITY, liability on the part of the shareholders of a joint-stock company limited by the amount of their shares.

They are all shareholders, and often directors of railways, and just as much traders as the old coach proprietors were.

The shareholders met, when it appeared that one party wished to make it a Roman Catholic, and the other an atheist organ.

162 examples of  shareholders  in sentences